
We did it! We survived the first full week of school....wahoo!

I won't lie, this transition into two girls in school all day, every day, has been tougher than I anticipate.  It requires a lot more organization and I'm constantly worried I'll forget something.  We'll get there though.

Charlie is adjusting slowly but surely.  She would prefer to still be at home with me {who wouldn't} but before she knows it, she'll learn to love school, I'm sure.

Unfortunately the poor girl got hit with her first taste of school germs and was home sick two days this week.  But she's feeling all better now!  With two in school, I feel like it's going to be a long winter of germs.

Emmy started her third year of dance on Wednesday.  I absolutely love the school she is in, and she was happy that her best friend from dance was back again this year.

I've been spending my free hours during the day writing and editing.  Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned on here yet, but I finished my second book!  I'm currently editing it like crazy and {fingers crossed} might be working towards something that will get me published on day.  So this is how I've been spending most of the day.

My favorite part of them starting school is how snuggly they are when they get home.  Since I actually have time to get things done  during the day, I get to spend the rest of the time just hanging out with them.

It was a very long week for all of us, so we decided to celebrate at the carnival last night.  My girls had a blast!

Here's to hoping next week is a little easier for all of us!


  1. I hope it's get better with time!!! AND I know it will!!! Happy week!!

  2. I cannot get over how big they are! Congratulations on finishing the second book!


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