
Nothing like posting a Halloween update just before Thanksgiving.  Whoops!  Trying to get all caught up here.

We had a few Halloween events this year.  Yes, sometimes I feel like holidays are getting a little out of control.  But my girls being able to wear their costumes a few times instead of just once is totally worth it!

First up we attended our very first Trunk or Treat.  It was at our girls' school the weekend before Halloween.  Now honestly, things have been so crazy, that we didn't really plan a whole big theme or anything.  The girls wore their princess/cowgirl costumes...Skip and I dressed like Giants players....and the car we just bought a bunch of Halloween things at the Dollar Store.  But we all had a fabulous time!

Then Emmy got to dress up for a girl scout meeting and her dance class.  Charlie got to dress up at school the Friday before Halloween. We also carved and decorated our pumpkins the night before! {squirrels will eat them if we put them out sooner} Of course we had our teal pumpkin ready, along with non-candy treats for food allergy kids!

There's a 'Ragamuffin Parade' in our town the morning of Halloween.  We marched down the center of town in costumes, and then there is a magician and some characters at the end.  Always so much fun!

We spent the afternoon trick-or-treating around our neighborhood.  We wandered from house to house for a little over an hour, before the girls asked to go home, haha.  It was a little chilly and they were getting tired.  They were just as happy to hand out candy to the kids that came to our house.

All in all it was a wonderful holiday and we were lucky to have Skip home for so much of it!


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