So What!

It's been such a long time since I did a random post, I figured I was due! And what better way than by linking up with Shannon for her So What Wednesday!

So what if:
- I'm still mad at the refs from Sunday's Giants game.  That was the worst call ever and not fair that it led to our loss.

- I feel victimized by Shonda Rhimes this week.  Can't any of the Grey's or Scandal characters have a happy ending?

- I'm literally counting down the minutes until our floor remodel project is done. The guy was here before 7 this morning to do work.  Plus, we're still sleeping on the couch.  Plus, he's currently working on the stairs, so we can't go upstairs until bedtime. Takes some planning to bring down everything we might need for the day. It will all be worth it, but I'm just done.

- I hope winter never comes.  It was 70* yesterday, and it was absolutely amazing.  I shutter thinking of snow and sub-freezing temperatures.

- I can't stop stealing my kids' Halloween candy.  It's better that they don't eat it.

- I love my kids dearly, but absolutely love being home while they're at school.  Most of the time is spent working, but the silence and being able to watch Netflix whenever I want are amazing.

- it's taking everything in me to not start my third novel.  I have more work to do on my first two, and I should probably wait until I see if I can do anything with them first.  But I am itching to write more!

- I get angry when I have to take days off from working out. I only rested three days last month, and even those annoyed me.  I feel so much better physically and mentally on days I work out!

- I'm annoyed by everyone decorating for Christmas already.  Sure, it's your life, do what you want.  But what's wrong with a little self-control and waiting until after Thanksgiving? #teamrespecttheturkey #blessingsbeforepresents

- I do my best not to judge other parents and how they raise their kids.  Except when it comes to drinking. I'm horrified by the amount of parents who drink while their kids are awake. If it's that hard, why did you have them?

- I'm way snarkier than I thought I was this morning.  Must be the lack of sleep.

- I am failing at waiting patiently to hear back about something that could affect my career.  I've got to learn to let go, and just see what happens.

- If I fear I'm losing brain cell from the smell of the floors.  Should probably sign off before this starts to not make sense.

What are you saying So What to today?


  1. Girl I am HOOKED on Grey's this year! The past couple seasons were just, meh, but this one! OMG I can't wait for each episode!!!!


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