Veteran's Day Offers

Today’s post is sponsored by Great Clips, by my love for their veterans campaign is all my own!

At twenty-one, I said goodbye to my brand-new fiance as he headed off to war. As a Marine, he had volunteered to join the military and deploy, away from America, his family and friends, and the comforts we all take for granted, to keep the rest of us safe.  For me, that is the definition of selflessness.

All of our veterans answer the call willingly, putting aside their safety, to make sure we all remain free.  It is an honor we can never fully repay.

Besides my husband, I personally know several other veterans who have deployed.  And every Veteran's Day, I try to spoil them as best as possible.  I send cards, thanking them for their service.  I've had my kids make pictures and notes, telling them of the sacrificing these brave men and women have made for us.  We take my husband out to dinner to celebrate the fact that he has home with us, and thank him for his service.

I can't tell you how much it warms my heart to see so many restaurants and businesses join us in thanking our veterans on November 11th.  Great Clips is one of those fantastic businesses. For the third year, Great Clips is giving away a free haircut or haircut card to all active or retired military members on November 11th. Also, any customer who gets a haircut at Great Clips on November 11 receives a free haircut card to pass on to a veteran.  What a wonderful idea! Great Clips is the only major salon brand that offers customers a way to thank the veterans in their lives!

Support for our military has always been a huge cause in my life.  I am constantly thinking of ways to thank and help our men and women in uniform.  So this November 11th, I ask you to visit Great Clips to snag a free haircut card for the veteran in your life {here is a list of salon locations}.  And at the very least, remember to say thank you.  Because while we're all sleeping soundly in our beds, going out to eat, spending time with family, they are far from home, making sure to keep us all safe.

Thank you veterans....our appreciation can never be enough.


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