Closing Time

I cannot believe it's time to close out 2015 already!  I swear this was the fastest year in my life. Nothing really major happened, it just flew by.

These recap blog posts can get a little tedious sometimes, but I really enjoy taking the time to look back!  So join me in the past for a minute.

We rang in the new year with some friends at a party at our house.

I WROTE A BOOK!  Little did I know how easy the first draft would be.

Skip and I got a date night and were able to see American Sniper

Charlie moved up into a big girl bed.

We had a great Valentine's Day as a family.

It was 10 years since Skip came home from Iraq....a day I never take for granted.

Poor Emmy broke my heart. 

I gave you my favorite workout tips and tricks.

We had a nice, low-key Easter.

That was really the only thing of note. It was still cold for a bit in April, and I was knee-deep in finishing the edits on my novel.

I got to meet Taya Kyle, and it was FANTASTIC!

It was a tough month to be a cop wife.

Emmy got to walk in her first parade for Memorial Day.

And so began my months of crutches and injuries.

Emmy 'graduated' kindergarten.

Charlie turned four!

Emmy had her first ballet recital.

We had a fantastic Fourth of July 

Skip and I celebrated 10 years of marriage on a kid-free trip to Washington DC!

I recapped our Washington DC trip here, here, here, here, and here.

Emmy got her yellow belt at Tai Kwon Do

Emmy started first grade.

And Charlie started pre-k four!

And I finished my second novel!

I randomly decided we needed to rip up our carpets and redo the hardwood floors upstairs.  Would be our biggest home-improvement project to date!

I turned 33.

We had a great Halloween surrounded by lots of fall activities!

Emmy turned 7.

Skip was actually home for Thanksgiving and we had a fantastic day.


Christmas was....interesting to say the least.

Let's just say these last two weeks have really tried us, and I'm not sad to see this year go.  I'm ready for a fresh start!


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