Have yourself an interesting little Christmas

I'd like to say that this was the most wonderful, magical Christmas ever.  I had spent most of December focusing on the little things, and not letting myself get swept up in the stress of the holiday.  I wanted to just enjoy it.

And for the most part I did.  Truly.  Even though life kept trying to throw things my way to derail our plans.

First off, Skip had to work all of Christmas week....including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It was hard on the girls, who kept crying to me and asking why their dad couldn't have a normal job like everyone else:( So I was determined to make it as fun for them as possible.

We made lots of cookies and treats together {which is really the best part I think} and they delivered them to our neighbors on Christmas Eve morning.

My family came over for a huge feast on Christmas Eve and lots of present opening.  Despite the glass dish breaking in the oven and filling my downstairs with smoke, we had a fabulous time.

Sufficiently sugared up and excited for Santa, we set out cookies and spread reindeer food on the lawn.  I managed to get the girls to bed.  I was determined to have all my tidying and "Santa-ing" done before Skip got home from work so we could relax a little before the girls woke up just after dawn.

Unfortunately, just as I was bringing down a few things from the attic, I slipped and fell down the stairs.  The pop I felt in my foot was some of the most intense pain I've ever felt. I had to lay on the landing for about five minutes before I could scoot down the stairs to the couch.  Needless to say, my plans were now derailed!

Will continue with the Christmas where everything went wrong tomorrow....


  1. Oh no! I'm sorry Skip had to work and so much went wrong. I hope your foot is feeling better. And those baked goods look YUMMY.


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