Resolution Recap

I'm a big fan of resolutions.  Even if I don't keep them all, I like the chance to take stock and evaluate how I want my life to change or be tweaked.

Last year I went easy on the resolutions.  I only made three:

{one} Run a half-marathon...should happen in the fall

{two} Inspired by Melissa, I want to run 1,000 miles this year

{three} Get my book published.  Sure, I could go through the process and no one will actually pick it up, but I am going to do everything I can to find an agent and make it happen!

Umm, yeah, so basically none of these happened, haha. Being on crutches four times this year basically made #1 and #2 impossible.  I did manage 700 miles though, so I'm pretty proud of that!
I stopped recording the time, so I don't think the hours or pace are acurate

I also did not get my book published.  Though I am much closer than I was before.  I'm hoping to have some positive moves in that direction sometime in the new year.  Plus, I've also written and edited a second book in that time, and already started my third.  So not bad overall:)

Things might not have gone exactly the way I wanted to, but I definitely made some great progress.  What's that saying? "Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." That's kinda how I'm feeling this year.  And it feels pretty good.

Will be back later in the week with my 2016 resolutions!


  1. Looks like a pretty great year to me! 700 miles and 3 books is nothing to scoff at!


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