
Oh hey! How's it going. I have this routine of blogging every day for a week, then none at all.  Let's see if I can find a better balance.

Let's see if I can catch you up on the last month:

So my foot still hurts. The fall I took on Christmas Eve is really taking it's time getting better. After an MRI and trip to my Dr, I learned it's a lisfrac sprain. Great that nothing was torn, but this is one of the worst sprains to have. Looking at around 6-8 weeks for recovery. And that's not until I can run, just walk without a brace probably. For someone who averaged 20 miles a week at least, it's a bit of a blow. But I'm trying to move on from crying about it. I'm finally able to do some pilates workouts, so that's something.
Pre-MRI selfie...cause why not

We celebrated Skip's birthday.  Low-key with just dinner out with the girls and an at-home movie, but it was nice to spoil my man for the day.

Christmas break was spent with me sitting on the couch and the girls having the stomach flu. Not good. But at least no one missed any school! It was good to just snuggle up and relax together.

Despite winter holding back, we're in the thick of it now. Back to wearing two pairs of pants and a scarf constantly in the house. The only thing we haven't had is a big snowstorm, but apparently that might change this weekend. Ugh.

Had a parent teacher conference with Charlie's teacher last week. Girlfriend is totally ready for kindergarten next year, and we couldn't be more excited. Sending in her enrollment papers this week. Can't believe my girls will be in kindergarten and second grade next year!

Had to go on Emmy's first field trip with her last week. It was a show at my old high school. SO exciting to be back there and see the changes! Weird that so much time has passed and as soon as I stepped through the doors it was as if I never left. Except for the very tall child following me around;-)

Skip and I got out for a date night the other night. Dinner AND a movie! In my opinion, 13 Hours should be required viewing for the whole country. Let's just leave it at that.

But the girls were so excited to see their sitter {good babysitters are worth their weight in gold!} And date nights with Skip are pretty much my favorite thing ever.  Can't wait to do it again!

Writing is going well. Books 1+2 are done and out in the world trying to catch an agent. In the meantime I'm working on Book 3...cause I can't stop apparently. Fingers crossed I make some progress on publishing this year!

Think that's it for now. Excited for playoffs this weekend! I love a good Brady/Manning bowl! My picks for the Super Bowl are Panthers/Patriots with the Patriots winning.  Who are your picks?


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