Recap and Resolutions

Happy 2016! I had a very nice night ringing in the new year.  After a lazy afternoon, the girls and I ordered in dinner from our favorite local Italian place. After I put them to bed, I talked with my sis on the phone, then did a little work on novel #3.

Skip was able to get home earlier than we thought, and we were able to watch an episode of Making a Murderer before midnight.

We poured some drinks, and turned on the TV just in time to see the ball drop at midnight.  And as always, I was grateful NOT to be standing in the middle of Times Square. Standing for hours in one section unable to move or leave and use the bathroom? No thanks:)

Afterwards, we watched another episode on Netflix and went to bed far too late.

So as I sit here chugging my coffee, appropriately exhausted for the day, I can't help but think of what I hope to accomplish in this new year.  I've always been a fan of resolutions and make no apologies for that.  I'm not even always good at following them, but I like the tradition.

So here are my 2016 Resolutions:

Do you make resolutions?  What are you hoping to accomplish this year? How do you keep yourself accountable?


  1. Happy New Year! I hope your year is off to a good start (despite the injury)! I could use a few of the same resolutions...specifically 8 and 10! Haha!


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