Sometimes Being the First Isn't Always the Best

For the past few weeks Meredith has been on a pretty good sleeping schedule.  She goes down at 8:00 and then sleeps till either 5:00 or 5:30, and goes back down again till around 8:00.         It has been great and has afforded me with some quiet time to get things done around the house and even a decent amount of sleep.  Everything was going pretty good until two nights ago when I was awoken to the sounds of the baby crying at only 3:00am.  It also didn't help that I had only been asleep since about 12:30.  Since she had been practically sleeping through the night recently, I figured that there was no way she was hungry, as she has been going so long without eating.   And I didn't want to just feed her if that wasn't what was wrong.  So I changed her and burped her and rocked her.  With the tears still coming I sang to her, read her a story, and rocked her some more.  An hour passed and she still wasn't going down to sleep.  As I started to cry out of frustration, I brought her into our room, hoping Skip would have some advice, or at least we could figure it out together.  However, as a man who slept through mortar attacks in Iraq, my gentle cries didn't even stir him.  Finally, out of tiredness and lack of ideas, I fed the baby.  She ate a full meal hungrily and I felt terrible that I hadn't just fed her to begin with.  It's just so hard to figure out what she needs and wantss, and how to keep her on a schedule.  And the worst part is that I feel very lonely in the whole process.  I know I can ask my mom any questions I have, but it would be nice to have someone my own age to compare things with.  Some days I just hate that I'm the first person of my friends and family to have a baby and long for them to have some experiences to share with me.  And I also get jealous of them and the fact that when they all have kids, I will be there to give then any advice I have., while I'm doing this blindly.  It's just hard to know what's right and wrong, and whether or not I'm doing what's best for my little girl.  I am trying to let go a little though and just relax and do whatever my instincts tell me.  She woke up again at 3:00 last night, and this time I fed her right away.  She again ate a full meal and drifted peacefully off to sleep.  I'm assuming she's just going through a growth spurt and will be waking up this early for a little longer.  And while I'm not a huge fan of being awake in the middle of the night, I now know what she wants and feel much better about the whole thing.  Though I'm sure she will do something new tomorrow that will confuse me and I'll feel lost once again!


  1. Hi Mandy, I'm one of Lindsay's friend from college, and I have a 14 month old little boy. I just want to offer some encouragement, from someone who has been there. You are doing great! Somedays/nights are super hard, and some days/nights are easier, and every baby is different. My son didn't sleep through the night until he was 9 months old, and I really thought that I would go crazy at one point. You know your baby better than anyone else, and as soon as you get some schedule/routine that you are comfortable with and have a sense of what to expect, it will change. Flexibility helps, and so does a sense of humor. Remember, you are the only mom little Meredith has ever had just like she is the only baby you have ever had, so you are figuring it out together. Hang in there! You're doing great!

    -- Campbell Hoffman

  2. Even though I do not have a lil' baby. I will be more than happy to lend a friendly ear!!!

  3. Oh Amanda. I wish I could help I going to email you my cousin Christina's email. I think you and her would get along great and she just had her baby Emma in July and I'm pretty sure is one of the first of her friends to have a baby. She is currently a stay at home mom and I'm sure would be more than happy to offer any advice or answer questions you have.

  4. I am a 25 year old new mommy too. My little girl, Claire, is 6 weeks and 2 days old. None of my friends have babies yet either. Let me know if you need anything. I totally understand what you are going through!!

  5. Hi, I'm 27 and a mom to two now. It does get easier, but it won't start to feel normal until she's 6 months. But even after that, when you lay down to sleep at night, you never know what kind of night it will be! The past two nights I've been up with my sick toddler, and then my sick infant. Here's hoping for tonight!


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