Thankful Thursday (a day late!)

I plan on dedicating every Thursday from now on as "Thankful Thursday".  I want to take the opportunity to reflect a little bit and count all the many blessings I have in my life.  However, I was too busy watching the two-hour Grey's Anatomy event last night to blog then, so I'm a day late this week!

I am grateful for:
- All of the help I have received on my blogs.  I no longer feel alone as a new mom, but have lots of help from so many generous women...Thank you everyone!
- Nothing being damaged on my property from the high winds yesterday
- My bulldog puppy (who is not quite house-broken yet) had two straight days without an accident....let's go day #3!
- My baby took four decent length naps yesterday
- My husband who is a constant source of strength, support, and love.  And I will never be able to thank him enough for doing whatever it takes so I can stay home with our means the world to me!


  1. very good idea!!! And you def are not alone - blogging has helped out a lot - it helps in SO many ways - great advice, you get to see what is going on with so many people!! Glad the baby took some good naps for you. If he is anything like mine were - they'd nap..I'd hurry and pick-up/clean, annnnd about the time I went to prop the feet up....they would wake up - I always said next time, I'm just going to lay down and rest.........UM that RARELY happened!!!


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