The Real Truth About Pregnancy

Here is a compilation of things I learned while pregnant:

- Your entire life and lifestyle does not change once the baby is changes as soon as you get a positive pregnancy test
- I already knew that morning sickness could happen at any time of the day....what I didnt know was that my morning sickness would occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week....for 20 weeks straight!
-Zofran is a miracle drug and I would have never survived teaching without it
-Never take a trip to Paris when you are 10 weeks pregnant and knee-deep in nausea
- Don't move to a brand new house when you are only 5 weeks pregnant and all the new smells make you sick (there were entire weekends I had to stay upstairs in our bedroom...and I couldn't open the kitchen cabinets for months without holding my breath)
- You will crave ice cold water at the height of your nausea, and as soon as you give in to the craving, you will promptly throw it up 
-Eating is often the only thing that makes your stomach feel better (I am the only person who was throwing up all the time, and yet put on weight!)
- Everyone, including strangers, feels they have the right to touch and talk to your belly....that is a right reserved only for the pregnant woman, and her husband
- Everything takes so much longer to do when your pregnant
- You can have a stuffy nose that lasts your entire pregnancy
-Parts of you back that you didn't even know existed will begin to hurt
- They say your cravings are based on nutrients your body is lacking....well I only craved donuts, milk shakes, and candy bars...what does that say about me?!?!
- You will begin to waddle waaaay sooner than you thought you would, and you cannot control it, no matter how hard you try!
- I am amazed my husband didn't ever want to divorce me, my mood swings were so bad
- People think you can't and shouldn't do ANYTHING when you're pregnant
-However it is possible to paint every room of you new house with a huge belly!
- I really missed being skinny, tan, and blond...much more than I thought
-You will be more hungry and thirsty than you ever have in your life
- When you say you need to eat you mean RIGHT NOW
-You will love maternity jeans when you first get them, and hate them by the 8th month
-It doesn't matter how nice you do your hair, how much make-up you put on, or how cute your maternity clothes constantly feel huge and unattractive
-You cry at everything!
-I went into my pregnancy saying that I would deliver completely natural.....that flew right out the window once I went into labor....I asked for the drugs as soon as I walked in, and a little while later was practically begging for an epidural....don't be a hero it HURTS!
-It was all 100% worth it once I looked into my daughter's beautiful face:) 

I will add more later as I remember them!


  1. Ugh, I had 24/7 severe morning sickness too...makes me dread the next pregnancy. I think I went through 1000 bottles of Zofran!! Thank God for that drug


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