Honest Mommy Moment

For this post I have borrowed this awesome button from "Mrs." over at Trying Our Best
(stop by and check out her blog...it's fabulous!!) I have added the button over to the side.

I need to just vent for a few minutes to say I have absolutely no idea what I am doing as a mom. Tonight Little M woke up around 9:30. She had gone to bed about 45 minutes earlier than normal, so I expected she would probably wake up. I gave her a bottle which she hungrily drank most of. Then I burped her, changed her, and *attempted* to put her back to bed. After lots of crying on both our parts she finally fell asleep around 11. I have no idea what happened to my newborn baby girl who used to sleep wonderfully. The first few months were like a honeymoon with her. She would go right down without a fuss at 7:30. No rocking, or singing, or pacifier necessary. Now she won't go to sleep without a huge production. I don't know what has changed.

And her napping schedule is practically none existent. She does take 2 or sometimes 3 naps a day depending on what time she wakes up in the morning, but I cannot seem to get them at a regular time. Sometimes she will sleep for 2 1/2 hours, while other times it's only for 30 minutes. How do you get a baby to sleep, or at least lay quietly in her crib. If all she wanted to do was play in her crib for an hour I would have no problems, but she just screams. It's not just regular crying either, she screams like she is in pain, but stops as soon as I pick her up.

The other problem is that even if she has just taken a nice nap, if I take her out to the store or for a walk she always falls asleep in the car or stroller. That must be throwing off her schedule as well, but I have no idea how to fix it. She is on a great feeding schedule and is put down to bed at the same time every night, so I have no idea what's going on.

If there are any other moms out there that could give me some advice, please do. I'm just about at my wits end here.


  1. I'm so sorry you're having such problems. I'm wondering if you've looked up advice on google for something called Late Set Colic? It sounds like maybe that's what's going on? Have you tried using the "5 S's"? You could google that too. Those really really helped us when Josiah was in pain. Especially the swaddling.

  2. It sounds totally normal to me. At this age there is so much going on in their bodies and minds (teething,wakeful periods, trying to master new skills, beginning of separation anxiety etc.) Deep breath mama, you are doing great! The best advice I ever got was that the minute you think they have a schedule, or you have figured them out....they will immediately change it up and you just have to adjust and roll with it. That has rung true for James from day 1, so I just went with it and still do. Sometimes he needed to just be put down is his crib awake with no help, sometimes a big production, sometimes slept hours and hours for naps, sometimes 30 mins. It will even out over the next 6 months.

    Oh and the crying in the crib thing, i think that is just a personality thing. Some babies wake up and are content to play a bit in their cribs, others (like James) say no way no how! :P

    It will get easier! Hang in there!

  3. I agree with Vanessa -- as soon as you think you have everything figured out, it changes. I thought I was going to die from sleep deprivation/frustration when Grant was 3-6 months old. NOTHING worked, except driving in the car, but I obviously couldn't rest or get anything done if we were stuck driving. But things change, and nothing lasts forever. It didn't feel like that at the time, but it is true. And I think Meredith is just a very social gal, into you, and everything else that is going on, and she doesn't want to miss anything. Have you tried wearing her -- in a sling, wrap, bjorn, etc.? That might help her sleep a little bit, while being close to you, and you may still be able to get something done. Even if she doesn't sleep, you might still be able to soothe her. You are doing great, and we've all been there in some form or another. Hang in there!


  4. oooh thanks for using my button!

    Let's see how can I put this nicely.... she's screwing with you. And it will happen again and again. No really, I'm learning its a kids prerogative to change the rules of the game as we go and not to update me on said rule change. Frustrating as all get out. My husband once compared it to guerilla warfare, just as you adapt they change course.

    But in all seriousness, my kids would change their sleep habits when something was a little off, a new tooth or hitting a milestone like crawling or walking. Also as painful as it can be for a mama, and trust me, I know its painful, have you tried looking into the Cry It Out method? We used it on both boys around 12 months for night time sleeping and it was a huge help.

    Good luck, hang in there, your not the only one!

  5. your post hit home with me. i posted my own honest mommy baby sleep post. Hang in there, it will get better!

  6. Ugh, I am sorry! Are there any major changes occurring in your life right now? Or is she teething? My son ALWAYS changes his sleep schedule when there is a major change in our family life or if he is growing/teething. It makes life HELL, but it usually lasts a few weeks and then he is back to normal.

    I'm sure your daughter is on a great schedule, so just keep your head up and trying your best. That is really all you can do.


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