*Mom Tip*

*Always make sure to bring an extra outfit for the baby with you wherever you go. Because the one time you don't the baby will poop, and it will get all over his/her clothes*


  1. Josiah had this problem at his birthday party on Saturday. We had to make a sudden and swift exit as he was already IN his spare outfit. Lol

  2. That happened to us once when Riley was 3 weeks old! Thankfully I had an extra onesie and pants for instances like that!

  3. This… happened to me!!! Ahhh!!!

  4. I have learned my lesson the hard way too. My son had a puking incident at a restaurant. I had spare clothes for him in the car but nothing for me to change into. Luckily we were close to our house. Now I have an extra shirt in the car for me too!

  5. so, where's the story???!!! Come on, Mandy, you're holding out on us!

  6. I'm always thinking that I should have an extra outfit for ME too, because when my son has an accident, it usually ends up on me. I haven't put an extra outfit in my car yet, but I'm sure I will after I have that "I wish I had it now" moment.


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