Labor-Filled Labor Day

Sorry I have not been posting for a few days. I would like to say that I was away, enjoying this last unofficial weekend of the summer with my family and friends. But not everyone gets Labor Day weekend off. It was not a holiday if you're a mom...whose husband has to work {with overtime} those weekends...if you have a pinched nerve in your neck...if you have a teething cranky baby who refuses to sleep and just wants to fuss and cry. So while most of you are lamenting the end of summer, I am very excited to put this weekend behind me! Hope you all had a fabulous Labor Day!!

PS..It might have been an exhausting weekend...but this little girl makes it all worthwhile:)


  1. Isn't it amazing how we moms find the craziest amount of energy just out of sheer love for our children. There are days I think to myself "i don't know how I'm so happy right now. I need sleep!" But he's so worth it. :)

  2. You're right...a woman's job is never done!


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