Mommy FAIL

Little M has been using her high chair for 13 months now and we have really loved it.  We got it from Target a few weeks before she turned four months old and started solid foods.  It is the Safety 1st Serve and Store high chair. 

I like it for a lot of reasons.  I wanted a standard high chair that would blend in with our decor and not stand out too much.  It has a soft cloth cover which easily slips off and is machine washable.  The soft 'basket' underneath catches any food that Little M throws down.  The top tray pops off and the larger, bottom tray easily pulls out with one hand.  It is on wheels which is helpful because we normally split our meals times between the dining room and the family room where we eat in front of the TV {very bad I know}.  All in all we have been very pleased with it.

Well, last night I was flipping through our junk draw and came upon the manual to the high chair.  I started browsing through it and noticed it said something about being height adjustable.  Ummm, what?!?!?!?  I quickly followed the directions and found out that the high chair does not have to be all the way at the top all the time {which has always been too high for our table, but I just thought that's how it was!}  So now Little M is not quite so high and can pull right up to the table and eat next to us! {the only downside is that she is now closer to the dog's open mouths who are salivating  patiently waiting for her to drop some food....gotta work on that!}

So take some advice from me and make sure to play around with all your baby and toddler gear when you get it so you're not missing out on a great feature for over a year!


  1. That is funny...I am probably going to end up doing the same thing one day! :)

    I'm sure M loves the attention from the dogs!

  2. Funny - it's funny how much we learn when we read the manual - which of course I NEVER do...

    Love to you


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