Rear vs. Forward Facing

I have a question for all the veteran mommies out there.  When did you switch your child from a rear-facing carseat to forward-facing?  I know the legal minimum is that the child must be both 20 lbs and one year, but I have also read a lot of new information about keeping them rear-facing longer past that.  Little M will be 18 months on May 29th and is about 22 lbs {we will have that checked when we go to the doctor next Friday} and I still have her rear facing.  The rear-facing weight limit on her car seat is up to 35 lbs, so we have time still.  When should I switch her, and what were your experiences/opinions on this?


  1. I have a friend who switched her son to foward facing at 20 months... but I know a lot of other parents who treat it as a one year old right of passage, too. It's my understanding that backwards facing is much safer. That it's so safe that really we should all be facing backwards if it was logical. I think it's your call on when to turn her around but that the longer you wait, the safer she'll be.

    Not that I'm a mommy veteran or anything.

  2. I'm no veteran, but the APA is now recommending rear facing until 2 years old. My friend said her pedi also told her to keep her son rear facing as long as possible.

  3. Mine switched at a year. Once they went forward there was no going back, they love it and well, I caved.

    wow I just realized I'm a mommy veteran. Three times over. I feel special now. : )

    even if my middle is wearing a *gasp* jets jersey. dont worry the elder is wearing a giants one!


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