Some Points to Think About

In light of this upcoming weekend I just wanted to pass on this post from Mrs. P.  She brought up some interesting facts I didn't know.  I just get sad about the state of the country these days.  I also read in the comments on this post that this is the first President that did not participate in National Police Week this year.  Again, it is just sad.


  1. heeeeyyyyy!!!! I just read your comment over at Rachels entry... My husband was in the Marine corps and is now a cop!!! (I'm the one that left the comment!) Small world!!! Since we have soooo much in common (lol) I'm following you!!!

    ((I don't know if this comment makes me sound very air-headish.... I didn't mean it to!!))

  2. Wow, Mandy! I am in shock. I did vote for President Obama, and now I am ashamed to admit that. :( What a jerk....

  3. I'm not a huge fan of Obama and this just helped confirm all of that for me. How completely and utterly disrespectful to all the men and women that serve our country! It's just terrible. My Uncle is a cop and I have complete respect for what he does.

    I checked out the blog you sent us to and couldn't stop crying. :( How terribly sad! It just made me even more angry to see how Obama isn't showing these families who lose people who fight for the United States any respect. And attempting to comapare what Michelle goes through with what men and women in the military go through every day is just a joke. It's a slap in the face to military spouses everywhere! I would even go as far as to say that it is a slap in the face to wives everywhere! I realize that being president is not an easy job (although with all his vacations maybe it is for him!) but he is constantly surrounded by people who's sole job is to protect him and keep him alive. Your husband is out there protecting people and her husband can't even show him the respect he deserves. Plus what about the spouses of those secret service men that are protecting her husband? The whole thing just makes me sick!


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