An Evening Apart

Tomorrow night I will not be doing this with my little girl.

She will instead be spending the afternoon, evening, night, AND Friday morning with my big sis L.  Tomorrow Skip and I will be celebrating our five year anniversary {wahoo!!  Mushy, lovey dovey post to follow tomorrow} and in honor of the special day, we will be spending our first night away from Little M...sniff sniff.  I'm happy, excited, and thrilled to be spending almost 24 hours alone with the husband.  Something that has not happened since November 2008.  But I will not be going into this without just a little bit of sadness.

I know Little M is in great hands, and I know she will have a wonderful afternoon, evening, and go down to sleep pretty easily since she has been put to bed by several different family members.  But for the past 20 months, I have always been there for her in the morning.  It's just a big step for this mommy!

So to all you moms out there, when did you first leave your little ones for the whole night?  And how did they handle it?

I promise a recap of how she did on Friday!


  1. JEALOUS!!!!!!!

    The last night that I spent kid free with the Mr.............

    New Years '04-'05.... He flew home on emergency leave and I met him in DC to fly on an employee pass... lmao... I conceived the youngest one on that trip... lol...

  2. I'm a big baby when it comes to leaving my kids somewhere overnight. Honestly, I hate doing it because I end up worrying about them all. night. long. It took a looonng time for me to leave Gav overnight (probably when he was like 18 months?). And I have yet to do it with Kenna!

    But kudos to you for doing it! You will enjoy the time with your husband and Little M will be that much more excited to see you the next morning :)

  3. The first time I left Jack for the weekend was HARD!! I cried driving out of the development. But, he was with his daddy (which made it easier for me) and he did so well! I felt like I should have done that sooner because of how well he did! I hope you have a wonderful getaway with your hubby. Mommies need that!

  4. How'd she do? I'm too late to give you advice, not that I've got that much to give. I've only been apart from Preston a couple of times. Who knew it would be so hard to leave them!


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