Busy Body Book review

Anyone that knows my in real life knows that I am the *queen* of calendars.  I have on on the wall in our kitchen, one in our office, one in my purse, and Skip has one he carries everywhere as well.  It may seem a little overkill, but if you saw my husband's rotating shift schedule, you would totally understand why.  Add to that places I have to go, play dates, vacations, and Little M's doctor's appointments and I barely know where we are all supposed to be everyday!  I don't just want to be organized, I *need* to be organized.

But recently I was given an opportunity to review a product that has revolutionized my organization skills in only one week!  Busy Body Books sent me an organizer...the most amazing organizer I have ever seen, truly.  I got the August 2010-August 2011 organizer and it looks like this

Isn't it pretty?  They are also available in a calendar year as well.   The revolutionary aspect of these organizers is that each week has "5 spacious columns to schedule organize and coordinate up to 5 individual family members, side by side."  I obviously don't have 5 members in my family, so I use one column each for me, Skip, and Little M.  The other two columns I use to write down our dinner plans and ideas for that night, and the workout I'm going to do that day.  

The organizers also includes all these other features:
2 Monthly Planners
Full Page Months-at-a-glance
Key contact pages
Removable shopping lists
2 pockets
Sturdy, clear plastic covers!

I only started using my organizer this week, and it already has been a great help.  This is my year to be completely organized!

So head on over to Busy Body Book and order one for yourself!

Disclaimer: I did receive a free organizer from Busy Body Book to complete my review.  I was not monetarily compensated for this review at all, and these opinions are all my own.


  1. What a great product! And I know what you mean about your husband's schedule. I pretty much live week to week, sometimes day to day, not knowing when Joe is working.

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