Anniversary Recap

I am so far behind with this recap!  Skip and I had the most wonderful anniversary together.  And the best part....Little M did *wonderfully* hanging out with her Aunt L!!  She fussed a little when we left, and again at bedtime, but that was it!  She was a smiling happy girl when we came to pick her up.  It also helped us that Aunt L took almost 300 pictures of Little M over the 24 was so nice for us to get to see her smiling face and all the fun things they did together.

We started our afternoon off by going to the movies.  We saw "Inception" and I just loved it!  Very intense and visually awesome.  After that we headed back home to change and feed the dogs and then went out for a late dinner.  We at this place Howard's Seafood on Long Beach favorite restaurant on the island!  The food was delicious {soft rolls, warm bruschetta, salad, chicken for me, surf and turf for Skip, and the most amazing brownie sundae for dessert!} and the restaurant is right on the bay, so the view was gorgeous.  Once we stuffed ourselves silly {yeah I definitely put on 5lbs in a week on vacation!} we took a late night walk on the beach, where some people were setting off fireworks!  Totally illegal but very romantic for us!  We then spent the rest of the night and the following morning relaxing and enjoying the baby-free house!

I of course will now leave you with some pictures!

Getting ready to go to the shirts says "Bride of 5 years"

My husband
Dressed up for dinner!

Taking pictures of ourselves

Love this one!

Every year gets better with this guy


  1. OMG! I love it!!!! Happy Anniversary, again!!! 5 years!!! :-D!!!!

    Now, whatever shall I do for my anniversary??!!

  2. and I LOVE (and by LOVE I mean it... L O V E Love) your black dress. I must get one... and a body to look nice in it! lol!

  3. Sounds awesome and you look gorgeous in that dress!

  4. Love the pictures! So glad to hear Little M did so well on her first night without mommy and daddy!

  5. I'm so glad you guys had a great date night! You've definitely deserved it! And don't you look hot in your little black dress! Lucky Skip! :)


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