Getting to Know Me

Getting to Know Me!!

The Q's.

1. If you could host a Reality TV show, which one would it be?
Hard Knocks {though not this year with the Jets...yuck...but I would love to spend time with all the football teams!

2. Do you put your seatbelt on before or after you start the car?

3. Shave or hair removal cream?

4. What's your favorite feature in a house?
A large kitchen that is truly 'the heart of the home' {unfortunately mine is not really like that}

5. What is your favorite "Fall" scent?

6. What tv show are you looking forward to seeing the most this Fall??
Grey's Anatomy!!!  I cannot wait to see what the aftermath of the whole shooting is and how they will handle it all

7. Personal Shopper or Personal Chef?
Chef...I love to do my own shopping too much!

8. What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of "Fall"?


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