A Day of Silence

When baby Cohen passed away, many of us in the blog community participated in a day of silence in his honor, in support of his parents.  It was a wonderful outpouring of love.

This Saturday I would like to do something very similar.  I would like to sponsor a day of silence in honor of all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.  I would love it if as many people as possible could participate.

All you would have to do is post the following picture on your blog {I found the picture here and added my own caption}.  I will also add a linky on my blog so we can all link up together {if I can figure out how to do that}

So grab this picture to post on your blog this Saturday.  September 11, 2001.....I will NEVER forget...


  1. An excellent idea. You do have a typo though on there, the "er" is missing off "surrender".

  2. Thanks for the heads up Lora...I fixed it!


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