Who Cares about Stinky Feet

Since Little M was only a baby, Skip and I have always joked with her that she has stinky feet.  I don't know why...it's weird and we will probably give her a complex later on in life.  Anyways, the other day when I was changing her diaper, I made a big production of pretending to smell her feet and said "Pee yew!  You have stinky feet!"

She looked right up at me and said, very seriously, "So what?"

I almost died laughing.  What a little personality she has!!


  1. I'm the worst commenter but I do read each and every one of your blogs, just for the record! I had to comment on this post because it was soo funny and cute! I guess she told you...Little M is proud of her stinky feet! :)

  2. Haha! This made me laugh! What a doll =)

  3. I love when Preston responds to something I've said and he just sounds so grown up! So what! Ha! We always tell Preston he's stinky too, they really are a match made in heaven!


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