Birthday Recap Part 2
I had big plans for Little M's actual birthday yesterday. We were going to spend the entire day, just the three of us, and I wanted to do something extra special. And what's more special than a kid's first trip to Chuck E Cheese!?!? I was psyched and I knew she would have a great time {right Kim!} We started the morning off with Skip making Little M and I some breakfast in bed. We ate some waffles and watched a little Elmo. Then we headed downstairs to open more presents! Little M absolutely *loved* the play kitchen we bought her! We finally managed to pull her away, got her dressed, and headed out. Chuck E Cheese time! Well about 40 minutes and lots of driving around in circles later, we had to move to Plan B. Apparently the Chuck E Cheese we had seen this summer, the one I had confirmed was listed on their website that morning, was closed!!! :( I was so sad. Thankfully Little M really had no idea what was going on and d...