A Day of Love

It's funny how Valentine's Day takes a whole new meaning once you have kids.  For the past three years our focus has changed from making it a day about Skip and I as a couple, to making it a day about our family.  Skip took off this year so we could all spend the day together.

I woke up in the morning to some absolutely beautiful tulips sitting on my nightstand. 

{Skip had to work until 7 am that day, and snuck the flowers in when he got home}  There were two cards as well...one for me and one for Little M.  Skip loves his girls so much!  We got Little M up and gave her the cards {another from me!} a Toy Story puzzle, a Minnie Mouse book, and a small package of chocolates.  I also gave Skip his card and some chocolate truffles {his favorites!}  We enjoyed some waffles and then Skip went back to sleep for a bit and Little M and I headed over to my parent's house to get out for a bit. 

It was soon lunchtime and we headed out to Friendly's!  Not quite the candlelit Italian restaurant most people head to on Valentine's Day, but perfect for life with a two year old!  I think Little M liked her ice cream cone the best.

After a relaxing afternoon and some naps, we headed out again for the special event of the day.  We took Little M to her very first movie!!  She's still pretty young so we weren't expecting too much out of her.  But we wanted to give it a try.  We took her to a local theater to see Gnomeo and Juliet.  Unfortunately it was too dark to take a picture with my I Touch, but Little M looked ridiculously cute sitting in the seat, with a giant tub of 'hotcorn' {as she calls it} waiting for the movie to start.  She was so well behaved and completely riveted for the first half of the movie.  But as all toddlers do, she got antsy and we left 45 minutes into the movie.  I still considered this a great success!  She'll definitely be ready for when Cars 2 comes out this summer! haha

After we put Little M to bed, Skip picked up some take-out from the Olive Garden and we had a relaxing dinner on the couch in front of the TV.  It was the perfect ending to a sweet day with the two people I love the most!


  1. Aww, what a fun, family day! I think it's a great idea to take the day off and spend it together!!

  2. ok,i can't get past "hotcorn." that's pretty much the cutest thing i've ever heard. Hotcorn. omgosh. adorable.

  3. What a wonderful day! I love that he surprised you with tulips whenever you woke up! How thoughtful and sweet! Little M did great making it through that much of the movie! Hope you have a great week!

  4. Sounds like my kind of Valentine's Day :)

  5. Our Valentine's Day was based around Preston too! I realized a couple days before that I'd completely forgotten it was supposed to be a romantic holiday. I'd bought Preston a gift and was so excited to give it to him, where before Preston I would have been so excited to celebrate the day with Brad! I love that Skip surprised you with tulips! And that they're your favorite flower, go Skip! BTW we're pretty excited about Cars 2 in our house too! You should see if any of your local theatres do a summer movie special. One of ours does and for like $5/person you get tickets to I think 10 kids movies over the course of the summer. Some of them are new movies and some are older ones but it's good for practicing in the theatre bc then you don't have to pay full price for your movie!

  6. i'm so glad to hear you had a good day. we went out to eat (mexican) and then took cooper to get some ice cream.

  7. Haha! Hotcorn I love it!!!! My youngest used to call it "copcorn" which is funny cause the Mr. is a cop now hahaha!!!


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