Pregnancy Update - Week 28

How far along - 28 weeks

Maternity clothes - Bottoms are all maternity except for some yoga pants and sweatpants...most tops are non maternity, though I am LOVING my Old Navy nursing tanks!  Don't know why I didn't buy them with Little M.  They are so long and great for layering!

Weight gain - Holding steady at 28lbs, hopefully the weight gain will taper off now.  With Little M I only put on 5 lbs the whole 3rd trimester

Stretch marks - none thank the Lord!  I'm determined to still be able to wear a bikini again!

Belly button - It wants to pop out so bad

Sleep - Love sleep.  Apparently my iron levels are even lower than when my doctor put me on iron pills a few weeks ago, so I'm really anemic.  At least that explains why I'm tired all the freakin' time...I'm not just being lazy!

Best moment this week - Finally ordered the crib...wahoo!

Movement -All the time.  This baby is going to be a kung fu master.  Sometime it is moving around so much it makes me really nauseous!

Foods I'm loving - Yogurt, candy, pizza, sandwiches

Foods I'm hating - Chicken is iffy....can't eat alot of anything in one sitting, my stomach is squished!

Symptoms - Nausea, still....I should have bought stock in Zofran!  Exhaustion, face breaking out, a little swelling at night, nesting in full force now!

Gender - I should have been more specific last time.  We found out the gender but are keeping it a secret until the birth!

What I'm looking forward to - Seeing my Marine's Girls this weekend!!  L is pregnant also {due exactly 3 weeks before me!} with her first and we are heading down to go to her shower.  Can't wait to see them!

What I miss - Bending over and being able to comfortably tie my own shoes

Milestones - Third trimester!!!

Emotions - Between General Hospital and Army Wives last night I am just crying all the time!


  1. wow how the time has flown on by!how exciting,I totally love how you are not spilling about the sex of the baby!!!

  2. So have you told your family the gender?! Or are you guys surprising them as well?

  3. Where are the belly pictures?! Those are my favorite part!! I love your little belly! Hurray for baby cribs! For some reason getting the crib was so exciting for me. It meant that it was really time to start decorating baby's room! I am going to have to remember to buy some of those nursing tanks the next time I'm pregnant!

  4. YAY for 3rd trimester!! I don't know how you keep the gender a secret I don't know if I could do that, but it will make things so exciting when the little one arrives!!!

  5. Wow, you totally made me remember how crazy exciting it is, counting down the pregger days. My 1st one didn't move around at all, but #2 was a kung fu master too. I blame him for my outtie. Good luck and feel good!

  6. 3rd tri! WOOT WOOT! I still can't believe you're not finding out the sex. I would be going INSANE :)


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