Random Musings

- I just got an email telling me when my ten year high school reunion is.  I'm very excited but also feeling very old!

- Grey's Anatomy is having a musical episode tonight...not sure how I feel about that yet. 

- Apparently it's Opening Day for baseball today....I could really care less.....I miss football :(

- New Baby's crib arrived yesterday and I cannot wait to set it up!  It makes it feel way more real to me now.  Here's what it looks like!

- I had a total panic last night about the fact that I will soon be a mommy to TWO kids.  How will I ever take them both out by myself? What about bathtime / bedtime when Skip is working nights?  Begin freak-out now.

- It's going to snow tomorrow....in April. 

- I'm happy to be heading to Maryland for the weekend for my Marine's Girl L's baby shower!! {though the three hour drive will probably be more like ten with all the bathroom stops I'll have to make

- Since I won't be bloggin the next few days, I'll post the topic for Sunday Favorites now...it is what is your favorite perfume?  I'm looking for some new scents to try and look forward to your responses on Sunday!

- We're only going away for one night but I'm going to miss my puppies like crazy!  Haven't been away from them for the night since Little M was born!

- I really need to finish painting Little M's big girl room.  11 weeks and 3 days until my due date and I have tons to do!

- Sometimes I feel like I will be nauseous forever

- Online shopping makes it way too easy to spend money...someone take away my credit cards!

- Hubs and I *finally* decided on a name for New Baby a few weeks ago...can't wait until I can share it all with you!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to link up for Sunday Favorites!


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