Pregnancy Update - Week 30

How far along - 30 weeks

Maternity clothes - Bottoms are all maternity except for some yoga pants and sweatpants...most tops are non maternity, though I am LOVING my Old Navy nursing tanks! Don't know why I didn't buy them with Little M. They are so long and great for layering!

Weight gain - Around 32 much for only putting on 30 lbs this pregnancy

Stretch marks - none thank the Lord! I'm determined to still be able to wear a bikini again!

Belly button - All flat, sometimes popping out

Sleep - I can never get enough.  We go to bed pretty early these days and I still have to nap every day.

Best moment this week -

Movement - All the time and crazy!  Sometimes it really hurts

Foods I'm loving - Most anything, especially candy bars, pizza, and bagels

Foods I'm hating - Not much more than usual

Symptoms - Nausea, nesting, out of breath, exhaustion, heartburn like crazy

Gender - Skip and I know, but we're keeping it a secret!

What I'm looking forward to - June 20th

What I miss - Working out...I'm still far too nausea to really do any

Milestones - 10 weeks left!

Emotions -  I'm just plain done

PS...check out the poll I put up on the left sidebar and guess whether you think Little M will have a baby brother or sister!

Now for a few pictures.  I took these this morning at 30 weeks exactly!


  1. What, no best moment this week? Hottie, hope you had a good week!! you look GREAT and I feel like I could use some of those long tanks - even tho I'm not preggo! They look so cozy! PS I'm totally guessing girl. I dunno why! :)

  2. Wow! I know you were super tiny before, but 30 pounds, I can't even tell where it has gone:-) You look so great!!! I have no doubt you will be in a bikini:-)

  3. You look so stinking adorable and look how tiny you are! So jealous! You will totally be in a bikini!

  4. like I said, you. are. so. adorable!! Not really sure where you're storing that 32lbs. You are TINY! I know you don't feel like that though!

    but, it sucks SO bad that you are still freakin' nauseas. I can't imagine. So sorry, momma.

  5. I tried to comment and my computer freaked out! Let's try this again! :)

    I LOVE your belly! Seriously I love it! I don't think that I can get enough of it! And I can't believe that you've gained 32 pounds! How is that even possible! Where did it all go?! You look like your all belly and just tiny! I can't believe it's only 10 more weeks!!!

  6. I voted girl... And its because it doesn't look like your butt got big... and every person I've seen carrying a boy gets a BIG BIG booty... I know.. Medically sound guess!!! lol


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