Friday Brain Dump

It may be decently warm today, but it is so rainy and crappy out that my brain can't see to put anything more than a random list of ramblings together.

1. I think we *may* have turned the corner with Baby C's sleeping.  She has slept unswaddled from 7pm till 7 am the past three nights.  Let me tell you, the sleep I've gotten because of it has been *amazing* 

2. Also, Baby C is sooooo close to crawling.  She can scoot backwards and rocks back and forth on her hands and knees.  Two mobile children is going to make life a whole lot more exhausting, tiring, interesting very soon!

3. Not sure if I mentioned it on here before, but hubs and I have been working on refinancing our mortgage {wow, how old does that make me sound?!?!}  We really needed our house to appraise for a certain amount though, and with the market being down so much, we were really nervous.  But we finally heard back from the bank and the house appraised for more than we needed it to!!!  It's still under what we paid for it, but more than we owe, which is the important thing.  Can't wait for all of this to go through and start saving money every month!

4. Moms and women need to start supporting each other more, instead of being all high and mighty.  Life is hard enough...can't we just work together?

5. There are a few things that people are obsessed with out in the Twitter world that I honestly don't understand.  I'm not judging, I just don't get:
               a. Toms shoes.  Aren't they really just fancy sneakers?
               b.  How a day planner costs $50...I know a lot of people got these great coupon codes for them,
                    but I just don't get how it costs that much
               c. Chevron prints everywhere...just doesn't appeal to me I guess

6. Are you all getting your blue clothes and accessories ready for the Superbowl??  BIG BLUE needs to represent!!

7. I'm finally feeling like my body is back to pre-pregnancy normal again.  Not 100%, but pretty close.  Need to work on the abs some more...I'm determined to be able to wear a bikini when we go to Florida in March.

8. I'm super SUPER excited about said trip to Orlando, but we are driving {which I want to do} with TWO kids this time.  Let's hope we all survive this in one piece!

9. Little M is talking more and more like a big kid and not a toddler anymore.  She corrects me if I say 'Punzel instead of Rapunzel.  It's great that her speak and vocabulary are constantly advancing, but it's still a little sad at how fast she is growing up!

10. I have a whole bunch of product reviews, and even a giveaway, coming up in the next few weeks.  If that's not your thing, just ignore, but I'm really excited about these products.  They are all super awesome!

11.  Sometimes I get sad that we're not having anymore babies with all these pregnant Tweeters around.  But then I drink like 3 cups of coffee, or put on my skinny jeans, or do a long workout at the gym, or just realize that I'm not nauseous 24/7 for 40 weeks and I feel much better!!

12.  It's Skip's first day back at work so while everyone is excited it's Friday, it really feels like Monday to me.  Oh life as a cop wife.

What random thoughts have been swirling around your head recently??


  1. 2 things...
    1. The $50 planners... ridiculous... why is everyone drinking the Kool-aid? Ok, it's personalized, but STILL!
    2. For your trip to FL, buy a double DVD player that straps onto the headrests... your welcome in advance. I've done two separate 12 hour trips and I'm tellin' ya... LIFE SAVER!

  2. I completely agree with you about #4. In fact, I wrote a blurb about it this morning! It stinks that moms feel like we have to defend every parenting decision we make.

    And, I'm completely jealous over Baby C's sleep. I was happy this morning that I had a couple of hour and a half stretches last night.

  3. So I know you have put in some long hard hours on the sleep thing, but I'm super jealous! I am just hoping it happens magically for Savannah. I just got her that new swaddle yesterday, if she outgrows it...there are no bigger sizes. I'm afraid.

    Go C for scooting!! I can't wait for that. #4 yes, totally agree. #5 - totally and completely agree with all of that. Planners? Chevron? Toms? no thanks friends:-)

    #6 So I told you I'd root for NY but now I'm split with the Patriots, don't hate me (ducks and runs away):-)

    #11...we are only on one baby so far. I hope we start with our second sooner rather than later, but that means in a few months...I get excited and freaking scared all at the same time. So I just sit and drink my large coffee and go home and have 1 (maybe 2) glasses of wine and that calms me.

    #12. While Jason isn't a cop (he applied to be one) I totally know the weird work hour thing - ok not as inconsistent as a cop, but J gets up at 3am and is home by 1pm and goes to bed at 7pm and is lucky if he gets 2 days off in a row.

    That's my comment brain dump today;-)

  4. Haha! I love your #5 post! So true!!

  5. Girlfriend I totally feel ya on this post!!! Especially with moms needing to come together vs arguing with one another!! We need to support each other and other moms because it is so tough being judged as a mom these days- everyone has their opinions and I wish that people would keep their opinions to themselves!! It would be a much better world!! Sorry- rant over!! Xoxox

  6. I get the mine.

    But I will never understand the planners for $50! you can so get one for $10 and does the trick.

    Oh and chevron? I don't get what the big deal's wiggly strips!

  7. All this adult women hopping on "trendy" bandwagons mystifies me! I didn't even like fads in jr high. It's refreshing to read that not everyone goes for them!

  8. Hurray for the house appraising at what you needed and then some!!! And ummm I do not get the Tom shoes thing...what is so special about them? Seriously?! And $50 on a planner yeah no. That's crazy talk! I would be afraid to write in it and ruin it or something! lol. I am so jealous that you are going to Orlando! And Disney World! I'm going to live vicariously through you!!

  9. I'm totally there with ya on #5 - I just don't get half these blogger/twitter fads/trends... it's either like why would spend THAT much money on something like that or HOW is that even considered cute? I just don't get it...


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