Cocoa Beach

If you've been around this blog for a while now, you know I am a total beach girl.  I could spend hours and days just laying out on the sand or splashing around in the water.  I spent every summer as a kid down at the Jersey Shore, and try to go as much as possible as an adult too. 
And I am happy to announce that I DID rock a bikini!

So when B suggested we have a beach day on Sunday, I was psyched!  Sure the beach is different now that I have kids, but it can still be just as much fun.  So we packed up all our stuff and headed to Cocoa Beach.

Remember those days when you were in college and a day at the beach meant grabbing your bikini, a diet coke, and a blanket and you were set for the day?  Well when you have three adults and two children, things change a bit.  Skip, B, and I kept joking about how the years have changed and how old looking we have all become as we lugged all the kid stuff to the beach {while I was wearing Baby C in the moby...height of coolness}.  I would obviously have it no other way, it was just funny to be baby-wearing and setting up a kids play tent while drunk college kids played beer pong around us.  {and omg you can drink on the beach in Florida?!?!  Can you imagine how much worse Seaside would be if you could drink there??}

But once we got the tent, blankets, and chairs set up...snacks given out...lotion put on...we were ready to have some fun!  And we definitely did.  The weather was just perfect and the balance of three adults and two kids worked out perfectly.  Someone could be with each of the girls at all time, while someone was just relaxing.  And we made sure to rotate enough so it was enjoyable for all!

I'm not sure poor Baby C had as much fun as everyone else.  Even with a cover-up and 70+spf, I was still worried about her sensitive skin in the Florida sun, so she was confined to the tent most of the time.  I thought she might nap in there since it was during her afternoon naptime, but Baby C pretty much just scoffed at that idea.  As long as we kept feeding her puffs and someone was in the tent with her, she was pretty happy!

Little M on the other hand had the BEST time out of all of us.  My little girl is a straight up fish...just like her momma!  Girl wanted to be in the ocean all.the.time.  She just loved jumping and splashing in every little wave that came her way.  We didn't let her go out to far and we put her in a lifevest since there were no lifeguards on the beach {seriously!?!?  Jersey may have Snooki but we at LEAST have lifeguards!} I think Little M had the best time out of all of us though!
Nearly impossible to take pictures when she's on the go the whole day!
Considering the heat and huge crowds, the girls did really well just hanging out on the beach with us.  But as dinner time got closer and closer we knew it was time to pack it all in.  When BOTH of them passed out in the car on the way home, I knew it had been a successful day out!


  1. What an awesome idea for a Sunday! It's a lil cold up here in WI yet, but as soon as it warms up we'll be hitting the great lakes ASAP.

    I recently started reading your blog because I get the updates on my Facebook page. I love your posts and learning more about your life. I am a single mom to a 6 yo boy. I don't have many friends who fit in with my lifestyle now that I've become a mom. It's really nice to connect with others online who are living the family lifestyle happily. = )

    - Heather <3

  2. We leave for Arizona on Sunday and reading your vacay recaps get me that much more excited! Looks like so much fun! And M rocked her swimsuit too! so cute.

  3. I didn't have time to read this but I skimmed the photos and it appears that a 19 year old super model took her gorgeous nieces to the beach and met a homeless guy. Sounds like a great day!

  4. We're about 3 hours from Cocoa Beach :) Love all the pictures. Looks like a great time.

  5. Awww...what a fun time! Those pictures are too cute! I'm hoping to rock a bikini this summer. We'll see. It's been a while....

  6. This is so, so, SO great! I love these pictures, expecially of Baby C just laughing. And of the girls passed out in the car. Awesome!! <3

  7. This makes me want to go to the beach!! Love the family photos too! And I totally get you on the beach days being completely different with kids. What's up with that? LOL.

    PS I am dying at Skips comment! Lucky homeless guy!! :P


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