Dining Room Make-Over

When I first painted our dining room three years ago, I painted it a dark brown.  It felt warm and cozy and I really liked it.  But recently it felt like everything in that room was brown or cream.  I wanted some color!!

So after about a million paint samples, I finally chose a nice blue color I loved.

I chose the one on the far right!
Once painted I moved a few things around and redid my photo wall and Skip's wall of honor.  Since those last pics were taken, I have also painted the sideboard table, removed the carpet, sewed some new curtains, and added two dressers-turned-china cabinets.  I am soooo happy with the way it all turned out!

My wall of honor {just my diploma}

Skip has way more stuff...doesn't seem fair, haha

I will soon be sanding down and painting the chairs a dark brown, keeping the white seat cushions.  I was going to wait to post this until that was done, but I've gotten behind on starting that.  I'll just have to update again when I'm finished!


  1. I love it! Blues and greys are perfect paint colors to me for a dining room!!!

  2. I adore that new blue color! That's the exact color I want to paint our master bathroom. Really brightens up that room.

  3. We have the same quote in Savannah's bedroom:-)

  4. wow big change!!! is good change the things around the house, its feels like a new house

  5. Love the change. A fresh coat of paint can do amazing things! :o) Blessings!

  6. How lovely! I love your china cabinets ! Great job !

  7. loving the paint colors! So fun to meet another mommy blogger! your newest follower lady!

    btw...love your pic wall.

  8. Hi there, just popping over from Kelly's! I really like browns and creams as I think they're cosy too, but that blue you've chosen is lovely!


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