The Funk

Please tell me I'm not alone in experiencing "The Funk".  That feeling you get when you're not depressed, but everything isn't coming up roses either.  It's normally not brought on by anything major either.  It's like one day you just wake up and decide to be in a bad mood.  People and things annoy you more easily, you have less patience at your job or with you kids, every day seems like the same old boring thing, you feel like no one out there likes you, and even things you love don't bring as much pleasure as before.  You still have lots of great moments, but it just seems like there is a fog in your head that doesn't want to go away.

Have you ever had this before? I'm sure I can't be the only one.  Every so often I find myself victim to "The Funk" and the past few weeks have been one of them. It's annoying me too, because the weather has been so gorgeous....normally nothing bothers me when it's warm and sunny out!  I think it's a combination of things....the monotony of our routine...Skip having to work EVERY.SINGLE.HOLIDAY. Baby C finally cutting some teeth and making sure the whole world knows it...Little M stretching her independence in ways that involve screaming and talking back to us...and a few other things.  I can't seem to stay on top of the housework and little projects I keep neglecting keep popping up around the house as if mocking me.  It all makes me want to just take to my bed for a week or hide away on some tropical island.

But since neither of those is really possible, I've been working on a few things to get me out of "The Funk"
-Working out: one of the best things to cure any ailment.  I hadn't been working out that much recently and I think that had a huge part in "The Funk".  I crave that hour to myself and really love those endorphins!
- Taking time to just "be" with my girls.  Their sweet smiles an infectious laughter are sweet enough to bring even the coldest miser out of his misery
- Get some sun: a little Vitamin D can go a long way!
- Unplug: Since it has been sooo gorgeous out here, Skip and I have been taking time at night to sit outside when the girls go to bed, with a beer and Diet Coke, and just talk.  We recount the day, go over things bothering us, and share stories.  It's such a nice way to unwind and relax.
- Do something you love. I've been blogging a bit more recently to help get me out of "The Funk".  I love blogging and the community it brings with it.  So I've been focusing a bit more of my time and energy on it.
-Force yourself to get things done on your to-do list.  If I'm in a slump the last thing I want to do is 5 loads of laundry.  But forcing myself to just get them done makes me feel sooo much better after.  And it helps my house be super clean!

So help a girl you ever get "The Funk"?  What do you do to shake it off??


  1. "That feeling you get when you're not depressed, but everything isn't coming up roses either." Sounds like me. I get so angry at the smallest things for no reason. I just experienced that 'Funk', it's been nagging me for almost a month. I'm still sortof in it, just not quite as badly as I had been. My poor husband thought I hated him! Not sure what was causing it but I'm hoping the warmer weather and a calmer schedule will help me out of my 'Funk'.

  2. I hope you feel better soon, sunshine always helps me!

  3. I just told my husband this morning that I was "In a funk"! No real reason for it but trying to shake it myself. Maybe I'll try some of your ideas!

  4. you are not along on the funk part. Hope things get better asap.

    p.s times like this I wish we lived closer so we could grab a drink together :)

  5. I soooo get this. I'm in one right now. That is a perfect description. I have been trying to shake it. And am hoping that Summer will finally do it. Sometimes I just think it's from being cooped up during the Winter. Blah! I wish we could turn this funk upside down (HA!) together! Maybe that's why we're both in a funk, because we can't hang out and are forced to watch Dawson's Creek on opposite coasts! BOO! Here's hoping we both pull out of this and get our lives back!!


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