Fitness Friday - Falling off the Workout Wagon

I'm very excited for another week of Fitness Friday!!!
Don't forget to grab the button on the side and link-up below!!
It's pretty sad that I fell off the workout wagon right when I started this link-up.  I've only worked out once in almost three weeks. {{hangs head in shame}}  I'm not going to give you some lame excuse about how I was too busy, we had people coming, it was my birthday, I can't workout with my new tattoo.  Are all those things true?  Absolutely.  But I'm always busy...we all are!  And I normally find plenty of time to get in at least 4 workouts a week.  I'm just being lazy.
Starting today I'm going to find my motivation again.  I love working out, truly {except running, I hate that}  I love the time to myself, listening to music.  I love how great I feel about myself after.  I love how strong my body gets. 
Source: via Mommy on Pinterest
I think everyone needs to fall off the workout wagon sometimes though.  It re-energizes you for when you get back on.  Just make sure your break isn't measured in years;-)
So what keeps you motivated to work out all the time?  Do you ever take time off?


  1. Hey girl! So I fell off the wagon also this week .. because I got sick. Like, bronchitis/cold/near-death-experience sick. But today I am better and still I made a lame excuse about "not wanting to relapse" to get out of my core class this morning at 7:00. BLAH. Now I am regretting it.

    I've been working out a lot harder the last few weeks and it shows (at least to me). I feel stronger/firmer/awesome. I really need to get back into it!

    As for my motivation .. sadly .. Instagram! I follow a lot of movitational IG'ers .. plus good dance music always gets me going. I love feeling strong (and seeing my abs!! It's so cool!!)

  2. We all fall off the wagon at some point. Hopefully I will get motivated with my new plan.

    I nominated you because you are one of my favorite bloggers!


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