Party Details

"You Are My Sunshine" is Charlie's favorite song.  So it was pretty much a no-brainer when it came to thinking of what theme to have for her second birthday.

I browsed for some ideas for Pinterest, but mainly came up with everything by myself.  I try and come up with a party theme a few months in advance so I can take my time searching for decorations.  For this party I got all the supplies at Michaels, Party City, and Five and Below.

For the food, I made the cupcakes, cookies, and macaroni salad myself.  We ordered two 3 ft sandwiches from Stop & Shop.  For drinks I made some lemonade and put out bottled water.

Now for all the pictures!!

I made the little signs on PicMonkey and printed them out on stock paper.  I taped them onto extra tall toothpicks. 

I got these cute little boxes in the dollar section of Michaels and filled them with M&Ms....simple and easy!

I ordered this vinyl online and put it onto this piece of wood I had painted

I made the frames.  I painted a piece of cardboard gray and the frames yellow.  I ordered the vinyl online and attached it to the glass.  It reads "You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray"

I made this wreath myself.  I bought a form at Michaels.  I wrapped it in gray ribbon first, then in the yellow and white ribbon.  I also got the C and suns at Michaels.  I painted the C gray, and then hot glued them onto the wreath.  I finished it off by hot gluing the ribbon at the top.  I am SO happy with the way this came out.  

I created this sign on PicMonkey and printed it out on stock paper.  


  1. Everything looks perfect!! You Are My Sunshine was M's first birthday party theme! :) We used the same cupcake liners, in fact. ;)

    Everything really looks fantastic. Great job mama!

  2. So perfect! I love it! Want to do my birthday party in September? ;)


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