A Piece of my Heart

One year ago today, at 7:42 in the morning, my life was forever changed.  It was the moment our vet called to tell us our poor sweet bulldog, Braddock, had passed away.

It's really strange to think that losing a dog could affect your life that much.  But for me it was true.  Nothing has been exactly the same since he was gone.  A piece of me, a piece of my heart, is different.

Maybe it's because he was so much more than just a dog to me.  He was my baby, my boy.  We got him when he was only a few weeks old, when I was pregnant with Emmy.  He would wake up every two hours or so to go to the bathroom, and then I'd lay on the couch until he fell asleep on my shoulder and I could put him back in his cage.  He taught me how to be a mother.

He was a really great protector {even though he was ridiculously afraid of thunder}.  I never felt unsafe when Skip would work overtime at night, because I knew Mr. B would alert us to any danger.

And no one was a better snuggler than he was.

So I still miss him, all the time.  I'm no where near the mess I was this day last year, but it still hurts way more than it should.

Braddock, my Mr. B....I miss your squishy, stinky face.  I miss the way you would snuggle up with me on the couch at night.  I miss how you'd put up with me dressing you up in Giants t-shirts.  I miss how gentle you were with the girls.  I miss seeing you try and run at full speed, then promptly pass right out on the grass.  I miss your little corkscrew tail.  I miss how shark-like calm you'd get when I laid you on your back.  I miss your snoring and your drooling.  I miss how much you liked lying in the sun.

I just miss you buddy and hope you're having fun up there with Mimi now in heaven.

Here's a link to all the posts I wrote about Mr. B last year.
The day he died

His life in pictures

What happened to him

Our last night together 

Word vomit

Remembering him

Children and grief 


  1. Awe! This is so sad! I have a 2 year old english bulldog now and he is my entire world. I completely know EVERYTHING you say when you tell your love for this dog! The bulldog breed is like no other breed. They are loyal until the end and they have a heart of gold. I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't hold guilt over the pacifier. Stuff happens. My bulldog had a heat stroke back in March after a bath (that was cool water) but thanks to my quick action I was able to save him quickly. I don't know what I would do without him. This post makes me cherrish every moment even more with Mr. Truck


  2. I can't believe it's been a whole year! This still breaks my heart because I worry about these kinds of things all the time with having a dog. I hope you still don't harbor any guilt or blame yourself for any of it. Mr. B knew you loved him and that is all that matters.

  3. *hugs* Sending love your way.

  4. What a lucky dog to have such a loving family. I'm so sorry for your loss. Any dog lover knows what a huge part of a family a good dog can be. He sounds like a great one!

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss! I just lost my baby boy on Memorial Day. It still hurts. Even though we have made new additions to the family, he is still greatly missed!

  6. Aw I can't believe it's been a year already. My little girl pug is my baby. Not looking forward to the day she is no longer with me.

  7. I'm so sorry. This post made me tear up. I know it hurts!

  8. h my gosh I just balled reading this. My sweet girl Axell just passed a little over 2 weeks ago and I am just absolutely devastated. It's always nice to come across other people who loves their dogs so much!


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