I'm Coming Out too...Will You?
I read this article, blog, whatever you want to call it the other day and when I was finished I practically stood up and shouted, "Finally!" To summarize, JJ Watt gives her opinion on being pro-vaccine for her children. She backs it up with facts on how immunizations are really only effective with herd immunity, and that the theory that shots, specifically the MMR, cause autism has been disproven time and time again. JJ Watt uses this article to "come out" as pro-vaccine, and encourages the rest of us to do the same. The anti-vaccinators are the ones you hear all the time. Now it's our turn to take a stand. So that is what I am doing today. I vaccinate my kids, and I'm proud of it . I try to stay out of the mommy wars as much as possible. It doesn't affect my life if you co-sleep, formula feed, or clothe diaper. Your choices on how you raise your child, doesn't affect my child in any way. Except when it comes to vaccines....