Wedddings and Babies oh my!

Happy Friday everyone!!

{one} For once it's like a real weekend around here.  Skip is actually off this Saturday and Sunday!!  Of course he has to work the holiday on Monday, but he's off on an actual weekend!!!  It's amazing.

{two} One of my old college roomies is getting married tonight and I cannot wait!! I love a chance to dress up, have a night out with my man, and catch up with my girls from college.  I'm still in total denial that it's been nine years since we graduated.

{three} My best friend since we were 16 became a mom the other day!  She gave birth to the sweetest, most beautiful little girl!  I was more than excited to get to snuggle that little bundle of love last night.  Baby fever like woah!  And my bestie is staying in the exact same room at the hospital I did when I had Charlie!  Small world huh.

{four} We leave for Disney waaaay sooner than I will be ready for.  The next few weeks are going to be a flurry of laundry, packing, and me running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  I'm gonna love every minute of it though.

{five} I am as excited as everyone else for the beginning of summer.  I love BBQ's, sunbathing, and beaches as much as the next person, if not more, but let's try and remember the real reason behind this weekend.  Let's remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and died for our freedom. 


  1. Love weddings! It's the best mix of a date night and reunion! Enjoy your weekend! :)

  2. Love your image. So many people forget the reason behind their three-day weekend.


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