Girl Party Movie Night

Last Friday I decided to do something special with the girls.  Skip had gone in at 3 for a double shift, so it was just me and the girls.  We kicked off the afternoon by picking up donuts after school.  We played and relaxed for a bit, and then got started on our party.

I pushed away the ottoman in the living room and laid down some old comforters, blankets, and pillows.  Emmy and I made homemade pizza, popcorn, and put out some candy.  We snuggled up on the floor and had a picnic/movie night watching Madagascar 3.

It was seriously one of the best nights I've ever had with the girls.  We snuggled, chatted, and just enjoyed our time together under the twinkling Christmas lights.  They both said they had a great time and couldn't stop talking about it to Skip the next morning when he got home.

We've done movie nights before, but this definitely took it up a notch and made it a little more special.  I definitely plan to make this a more regular thing!


  1. Fantastic! Hope other Mom's will try it with their little ones!

  2. Awwww! I remember doing things like this with my mom as a kid! We do movie nights. But it usually consists of cuddling on the couch with whatever takeout she chooses. :-)

  3. It looks like you had a great time with your sweet girls! We did this once, and the girls loved it!


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