2014 recap

As with most things recently, I'm a little behind on this post, a look back at my year and favorite blog posts of 2014.  But I absolutely love looking back on these, so I'm finally making the time to sit down and do it.

There were a lot of trying moments in 2014, but many, many more happy ones.

We rang in the new year with a small party at our house with some friends.

 I celebrated my five year blogiversary.

NEW JERSEY hosted its very first SuperBowl, and Skip got a front seat view of the outside of the stadium while working it.

I spent a sweet {and what was pretty much the last} night in the chair.  

I had to share my feelings on how wrong skinny shaming is.

My last baby grew out of her crib.

I struggled trying to find The Balance.

I shared the letter from Skip that made me cry.

We had a relaxing Easter with just our little family.  

With two kids potty-trained under my belt, I shared my best tips for success.

Charlie was diagnosed with strabismus and became a pirate for a few months.

I was spoiled on Mother's Day.

I got to celebrate with my friends over weddings and brand new squishy babies.

Emmy had her last day of preschool.  


We drove down,  and spent the first day at Downtown Disney.

We went to Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, and Magic Kingdom again.

We then spent the weekend in Orlando celebrating Charlie's third birthday and Father's Day.

We split up the drive back by stopping at my parents, then finally made our way back to Jersey.

I talked about how to survive Disney in the rain...

how to save money in Disney...

and my tips for Disney with kids.

I even gave some tips on food allergies and Disney.  

After such a long winter, I was happy we were finally knee-deep in summer.

I showed you my town and how Stars Hollow-esque it is.

Our friends came up to stay with us and we had a fabulous visit.

Skip and I celebrated nine years of wedded bliss.

We took Emmy into New York City for the first time.

Emmy and I went to Giants training camp.

We took a weekend beach trip,

celebrated another wedding,

and went on yet another beach trip.  

I took my running to the next level and reached 100 miles for the month. 

 My baby started kindergarten!

Emmy got her first haircut at a regular salon.

Poor Charlie spent the night in the ER.

I couldn't stay quiet on my feelings on discipline vs abuse.

I ran my first race  and we soaked up the last few days of warm weather.

I shared some of Skip's pictures.

I shared with you that I had started writing my first novel.

I turned 32.

We made sure to do lots of typical fall activities.

We had a fabulous Halloween.    

I shared my feelings on respecting our police.

We went to Disney on Ice and celebrated Thanksgiving.

Emmy turned six!

And she had a fabulous Power Ranger dance party.

We decorated our Christmas tree...

and went to see Santa.

Emmy had her first Christmas concert.

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

I finished my first novel!!

We rang in the New Year with some of our best friends.

I've loved looking back at 2014.  Let's hope 2015 can top it!!


  1. Looks like 2014 was a great year for you and your family! Best wishes on your novel - I hope to see your name on the bookshelves soon!!!!

  2. What a wonderful year (: I cannot get over how big the girls are!!


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