This and That

March is quickly taking the place of February as my least favorite month ever.  Yes, it is slightly warmer and there's less snow on the ground, but it's so depressing that it's still not warm yet.  We better have the hottest summer on record just to make up for this.

Just to add insult to injury, our shed blew apart in the high winds.  Sadly this has happened before during Hurricane Sandy.  Skip is less than thrilled about having to put it together again.  I'm pretty sure he fell asleep looking at houses in Florida.

Skip and I got a date night this weekend thanks to my big sis.  We had a nice dinner, wandered around Barnes and Noble, and then ran some errands.  It was so nice to spend some time with him!

Skip and Emmy had a special father/daughter Girl Scout square dance on Sunday.  They had such a great time and both looked adorable!

I am still working on my book and getting things ready to send in when I'm ready to have it published.  This is what my home office looks like these days.  Thankfully Charlie is pretty good about playing independently for a bit while I get a few things done!

It was warm enough, and enough snow melted for me to run outside three times in the past week.  It was amazing.  I really need the warmth to stay so I can give up on the treadmill for the season!

These little leprechauns had a great day yesterday.  I may have a very Italian last name, but I am very Irish!  We had a visit from the leprechaun we tried to trap, and Emmy had a small party at school.  We took the girls to a local bounce house in the afternoon, and they absolutely loved it!

I rediscovered my love of Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman recently.  I have the first season on DVD and have been recording all the episodes that are on TV every day.  It really was one of the greatest television shows ever, and I look forward to watching ti every day.  It's become Skip's and my favorite thing to do at night {don't let him fool you, he used to watch it as a kid too and would be mad if I watched without him} PS for all you DQ fans...they made two movies after the show ended.  You can get them on Amazon for $5! #Sullyforever

I taught Emmy to play checkers recently.  It's always been one of my favorite games, and I love having a little buddy to play with.  She's catching on pretty quickly as well!

Let's hope the rest of the week goes faster than the beginning has.  Stay warm everyone!!


  1. I have the entire Doctor Quinn series on DVD. I'm trying to convince my husband to watch it with me!
    I'm glad you hear you and Skip had a date night! Sorry about your shed, though. This weather stinks. It's such a tease. You get one warm Spring day, then it goes back to cold. YUCK!
    Your girls are adorable and getting SO big!


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