June Goals Revisted

I swear this month has just flown by. I can't believe tomorrow is July already! I'll be honest, I completely forgot I even made these goals, so I'm a little nervous to see how I've done. Let's take a look! {one} Finished the first half of my second novel. I'm 4 chapters in already and if I keep up my current pace, I think I can get it done. Done! This book is split into two parts, and I'm finished with part 1 and have even made some headway with part 2. {two} Donate our old couches and clean out the garage. I have the Salvation Army coming to get them this week and it could not come soon enough. Our garage is the messiest I've ever seen it and I'm excited to get it all cleaned up. Done! Well, mostly. Our garage is organized better and we got rid of our couches. The clothes to donate are still sitting in our basement, but overall, lots of progress. {three} Run...at least once. As I said last week, I'm still una...