Sweet Summertime

Hey, remember when I used to blog consistently over here?  Yeah, me either.  I want to, and I could find the time if I really wanted, but I've just been giving attention to other things recently.  But I love being able to look back at this time in our lives, so I'm going to make a more conscious effort to pop in here more.

I'm afraid to say it out loud for fear it'll change, but this summer has been one of the best of my life.  Now that the girls are older, I feel like we can do so much more than we have in the past.  It has been nice and hot {except this morning, which feels like fall and makes me shutter just thinking about the winter} I absolutely love having the membership to the town pool.  We are doing something fun with the girls every day, playgrounds, playdates, running around the backyard with a neighborhood friend, exploring in the woods, and trips to the library when it rains.  There's also been pool parties, lemonade stands, and farmers markets.  And that's on top of their swim lessons and Emmy's Tai Kwon Do.

It sounds like a lot, but honestly, I don't feel stressed or overly busy at all.  We have plenty of downtime at home, with the girls whining how bored they are.  Which is exactly what summer should be most of the time for kids:)  Schools are so stressful these days, I'm happy for the girls to just relax and play all day.

I can't believe the summer is half over already.  I'm sure the second half will fly by even quicker!  I refuse to get upset thinking about how fast it will go, and instead focus on enjoying every second.

Here's a few pictures of all the good times we've been having.

How has your summer been going?


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