Washington DC - Day 4 {Anniversary Day!}

Thursday was our last full day in DC and our anniversary!  We started off the morning at Arlington {what, you don't like to sob uncontrollably on your anniversary?} Words cannot describe what a somber, beautiful place it is.  We saw the eternal flame where all the Kennedy's are buried and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  We waited to watch the changing of the guard, and it was so worth it.

After that, we went over to section 60 and visited the graves of two guys we knew.

It was a morning I will never forget.

From Arlington we drove to the Marine Corps Memorial.  I couldn't believe how enormous it was!

The rain started to fall just as we were leaving, so we headed back to the hotel and ordered room service for lunch.

Once we were done, we headed back out into the city.  We couldn't leave without seeing the White House!  We had applied months ago for a White House tour, but sadly were turned down.  We made sure to stop in the White House Visitor Center.  It has a bunch of artifacts.

Then we made our way to the big house.  It wasn't quite as crowded as I thought it was going to be, so we got some good pictures!  {I'm pretty sure you can go around to the front and take pictures as well.  But honestly it was even too hot for me that day, so we needed a rest and some water, so we passed on walking around}

I may or may not have been calling out for Bartlett while I was there {West Wing reference anyone?}

We then headed out in search of the Law Enforcement Memorial.  This proved much more difficult than it should have been.  It could not be farther from most of the other sites.  But eventually we found it and were glad we did.

After that we headed back to the hotel to get changed and figure out dinner.  We had yet to go to a really nice restaurant, so we assumed that for our anniversary dinner, we should splurge a bit.  We'd both brought fancy clothes.  But just as we were getting ready, Skip suggested we grab out leftovers from lunch and have a picnic beneath the Washington Monument.

I jumped at the chance!  A nice restaurant I can go to anywhere, but when else would I be able to do this again?  Plus, I'd had an unnatural obsession the whole time with the monument so it seemed appropriate.

We grabbed our stuff and trekked out.  We ate, talked, laughed, and sat there until the sun went down.  It was the perfect way to celebrate 10 years of marriage.

DC..I fell in love with you on this trip.  I will make sure to be back soon!


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