What else could go wrong?

So we left off yesterday with me attempting to slide down the stairs because of the intense pain in my foot.  I managed to get myself to the couch, where I sat in tears until Skip came home around 11:00 pm.  Seriously, I've had two kids, but this was some of the most intense pain I'd ever felt. It was no good.

Under my direction, Skip finished setting up all the gifts and eating the Santa cookies.  We were all ready for the big man to pay us a visit!

The next morning, dressed in our matching Christmas jammies, we all came downstairs at 6:00 am. {Skip had snagged my crutches from the attic, so I was better off than the night before}. The girls were absolutely amazed by all their gifts, and there is truly nothing more magical than seeing their little faces light up. 

It was a picture-perfect morning.

Skip ran out and grabbed some bagels for lunch for us, while I sadly had to cancel plans with a friend. I knew that wrangle two littles while on crutches wasn't the best idea ever.

So once Skip left for work, the girls and I just relaxed on the couch.  For dinner I had leftovers from the night before, and they begged me for Ramen.  So yeah, I was that mom who gave her kids instant noodles for Christmas dinner.

Everything was going okay, and it was just about bedtime. Once I got the girls to bed, I'd be able to relax the rest of the night.  Sadly, poor Charlie got some sort of stomach bug and proceeded to throw up basically all over the house.  Not exactly a good time for me to be on crutches.

But we all managed, and everyone got tucked into their beds.

Thankfully Skip was off the next day so he was able to drop me at the emergency room for the morning. I have a ligament/tendon injury and have to be on crutches for at least a week.  Fun times.

And as if that wasn't enough, poor Emmy came down with the stomach bug as well.  We've basically had to cancel all the plans we had for this week.

But you know what? As cranky and upset as I got over the holiday {and trust me, there were times I really did} I was still always very grateful for the people in my life.  We had a fabulous Christmas Eve.  We might not be healthy, but our illnesses and sicknesses are minor and will pass. I was able to get the girls most toys on their list. And we've been lucky enough to just snuggle and relax together all week.  Not a bad way to spend the time!

But with that said, I wouldn't be sad if we got caught a little break as we start 2016.  I think we deserve it;-)


  1. Oh my goodness! I hope everyone feels better soon! XOXO I saw your injury, but missed the part about the girls being sick. They looked VERY happy on Christmas, though, and that's what you'll remember most!

  2. Oh wow. I'm sorry, that was a lot to deal with! I hope 2016 is a fresh, wonderful start for you all!


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