Showing posts from April, 2011
Pregnancy Update - Week 32
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How far along - 32 weeks Maternity clothes - Yes, with some regular clothes mixed in. I was able to wear a junior's maxi dress from Kohl's yesterday for Easter! Weight gain - 35 lbs....would love for it to stop here! Stretch marks - Thankfully none Belly button - a tiny bit out Sleep - I loooooooove sleeping. Still getting up a TON in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom will probably be years before I know what it's like to sleep through the night again! Best moment this week - It is *finally* getting warmer out there..bring on the summer heat! Foods I'm loving - Depends on the day. I'm actually getting way more nauseous than I was {if you can believe that} so it all depends on how I'm feeling that day. Can always eat candy and bagels though {hence the 35 lbs weight gain} Foods I'm hating - Again, depends on the day. I rarely want meat of any kind, or veggies. Movement - All the time. That is the one thing ab...
Coloring Eggs
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Whoops....I really didn't mean to go a whole week without blogging even once! I've been suffering a bit because my nausea is actually getting worse, not better, the past few weeks and I've pretty much just been crashing on the couch as soon as Little M goes to bed. Some days I'm not sure how I'm going to make it for another eight weeks, but we're powering on through. Anyways, last night was a pretty fun night around here....Little M got to dye Easter eggs for the very first time! Skip and I have done it ouselves the past two years since she was really too little to help. But with a step stool bringing her up to counter height, she was more than ready to help this year! We just used a store-bought dying kit {okay Dollar Tree bought if we're being honest} and I grabbed some stickers we had lying around already. Little M had such a great time doing it and I know the eggs will look fabulous as our table centerpiece tomorrow! All ready to start Yay for colo...
Wedding ABC's
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Nicole over at Flip Flops and Combat Boots filled out this survey a few weeks weeks ago. I thought it was really fun! Since Skip and I attended the wedding of some of our really good friends last night, and were reminiscing about our own wedding, I thought today would be a great day to fill it out! Our wedding took place on July 29, 2005. Attending: Including the two of us we had 72 people...we wanted to keep it really small Bridesmaids: My best friend K was my maid of honor, and my two sisters were my bridesmaids Catering: The reception hall took care of the food and it was all amazing! I only wish we hadn't missed our cocktail hour. Dress: I loved my dress. It was the first one I tried on at the first place we looked. Only my mom and I went to look and it was such a special time together. We both cried when I tried this one on so we knew it was it! Engagement: Skip and I got engaged three days before he left for his deployment to Iraq. We wer...
Thriving in the Sunshine
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The other day we *finally* had a beautiful day of sunshine and warmth. While it was over too soon, it did help to cheer us all up and remind us that summer WILL come to Jersey one day! I of course took the opportunity to capture a few pictures of Little M and Mr. B, who love the sunshine as much as their mom! I could not believe she actually gave me a smile! Happy girl Hard at work Major concentration Sun bathin' Enjoying the view A face only a mother could love I can't wait to have more days like this!
Spring Shopping for the Pregnant Girl
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First off, thanks so much to all of you for all your sweet comments on my pregnancy post! I wish you could all follow me around all day long telling me how tiny I would do wonders for my ego! Haha. Anyways, as a lot of you know, you start to feel less than stellar towards the end of a pregnancy {not that I've been feeling great at any time, but you know} The weight gain and huge belly really start to drain you. Throw in all the beautiful spring lines everywhere that I could not fit into if I tried, and a girl can start to get down on herself. But no fear pregnant ladies, there is a way to happily go spring shopping without leaving the store feeling like a whale. Want to know the secret? SHOE SHOPPING!!! I had a 20% off coupon to Payless the other day and was determined to put it to good use. And boy did I! I came away with not one, not two, but FOUR new pairs of shoes. I'm in love. all images from payless....
Pregnancy Update - Week 30
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How far along - 30 weeks Maternity clothes - Bottoms are all maternity except for some yoga pants and sweatpants...most tops are non maternity, though I am LOVING my Old Navy nursing tanks! Don't know why I didn't buy them with Little M. They are so long and great for layering! Weight gain - Around 32 much for only putting on 30 lbs this pregnancy Stretch marks - none thank the Lord! I'm determined to still be able to wear a bikini again! Belly button - All flat, sometimes popping out Sleep - I can never get enough. We go to bed pretty early these days and I still have to nap every day. Best moment this week - Movement - All the time and crazy! Sometimes it really hurts Foods I'm loving - Most anything, especially candy bars, pizza, and bagels Foods I'm hating - Not much more than usual Symptoms - Nausea, nesting, out of breath, exhaustion, heartburn like crazy Gender - Skip and I know, but we're keeping it a secret! What I'm looking forward to -...
Sunday Favorites
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I'm very excited about this week's Sunday Favorites and hope a lot of people link up! This week's topic is what is your favorite recipe? When Skip and I were first married, I was ridiculously excited to start making all different kinds of meals for him and our friends. We both loved to entertain and were constantly throwing dinner parties and other small get-togethers with our friends. I was always in search of a recipe that could become my 'signature'. I wanted something that people would love and would always want me to make. I wanted something I could pass down to my children, something I would be known for. At our very first Christmas party in 2005 I found it. Tucked in with some recipes I received at William Sonoma when we registered for our wedding, was a recipe for Fresh Mozzarella and Tomato Crostini. It looked delicious and I thought the red and white colors would look great on our Christmas table. image found at WilliamSono...