
Showing posts from June, 2011

Miscellany Monday

 {one} I really wish I had more time to blog these days, since these first few precious weeks are ones I really want to remember.  But I haven't been able to shower every day let alone blog! {two} Little M has been adjusting even better than I hoped and really seems to love her little sister.  She wants to hold her, kiss her, and tickle her feet all the time! {three} Baby C is a night owl like her mom.  As soon as Little M goes to bed, C thinks it's playtime.  The earliest we have been able to get her down is 12:30 am.  There is a ridiculous lack of sleep going on around here. {four} We are so lucky and fortunate that Skip is on family leave until July 26th.  I have no idea how I'm going to do this once he leaves! {five} I have not lost nearly as much weight as I thought I would by this point.  Maybe it's because I can't put down the brownies! {six} Recovery the second time is going much faster than with Little M.  However I do often forget ...

Baby Love

I think it's safe to say that we're all totally in love with this little girl these days.  Once I emerge from my 'no sleep, not always time to eat, all we do is change diapers, running after a toddler, can't remember last time I showered' fog I promise I'll write a real post.  Hang in there with me....two kids is taking some adjusting!

Wordless Wednesday


Welcome to the world.....

Charlotte Grace!!  Born June 15th at 10:56 am.  She was 20 1/2 inches long and an even 8 lbs.  I have never seen a more beautiful baby {other than Little M of course!} We just got home from the hospital this morning and are already loving living life as a family of four.  I promise the whole birth story and TONS and TONS of pictures later!! Her very first "boutique" as Little M calls it

Pregnancy Update - Week 39

I was only doing these updates on the even weeks, but since I won't be pregnant anymore next week {yay!} I figured I'd do one last one! How far along - 39 weeks Maternity clothes - I have like 3 things I can wear still.  I cannot WAIT to be able to wear some of my old clothes again! Stretch marks - Some on my hips and thighs....just mean that I made it this far and then they started popping up Belly button - Definitely out Sleep - Still loving sleep.  I can drift off just fine, but it's really hard to get up EVERY HOUR to go to the bathroom still.  Best moment this week - Doctor appointment last week when my doc said we could induce on Wednesday!!! Foods I'm loving - Candy, some chocolate, and all carbs Foods I'm hating - Chicken is still iffy. I can't eat a lot at one sitting....stretches my stomach out way too much Movement - Still consistent but much less than before. New Baby has definitely run out of room. Symptoms - Still nauseous {ARGH!!!}, back pain, hip...

Eviction Notice

I finally have an end in sight.  An actual day New Baby will make its appearance.  The countdown can begin for real.  Along with my doctor, I came up with an eviction notice for New Baby.  He or she will be induced into making their appearance THIS WEDNESDAY June 15th!!!  It is only five days earlier than my due date, and since I have been so sick this pregnancy, my doctor felt it was time to get this baby out sooner than later.  And I am more than happy to oblige!! I feel very at peace with this decision.  I feel such a sense of relief that it will all be over soon. {and that I won't actually be pregnant or nauseous forever!}  I love knowing exactly when I need to go into the hospital so I can finish getting some last minute things done and we can plan for someone to watch Little M.  I have been trying to prep her as well, though I'm not sure she really gets it all.  It is nice that I'm not just sitting around d...

Bring on the Summer!

It's been pretty hot around here the past few weeks, which I must admit that I LOVE!  I have never been a fan of the cold and grow happier with each degree that the temperature rises.  Hot weather means long, sunlit days, parks, the beach, grilling, and laziness! {though for some reason I'm most productive in the summer...who knew!}  And this year I am especially excited to great the warm weather since it means that New Baby will be making its arrival soon! Little M seems to have inherited my love of the warm weather too....mainly because that girl LOVES being outside.  Whether it is the park or our backyard, she could spend all day in the sun if we let her.  Thankfully our house came with a sizeable backyard and we have been able to spend lots of time back there recently, splashing around in the baby pool, playing in her playhouse, and making lots of chalk drawings on the driveway and patio.  Nothing better than running through the grass barefoot Not the m...

Pregnancy Update - 38 Weeks

How far along - 38 weeks Maternity clothes - As of this morning NONE OF MY CLOTHES FIT, not regular clothes, not maternity clothes NOTHING Weight gain - Not weighing myself anymore.  Somewhere between 35 and 40 lbs. Stretch marks - Some on my hips and thighs....just mean that I made it this far and then they started popping up Belly button - Definitely out Sleep - Still my favorite part of the day. It is nearly impossible to get up once I'm laying down though, which makes my 4857092873598327 trips to the bathroom every night super fun. Best moment this week - Doctor appointment last week.  She said I was already 1 cm dialated and 70% effaced.  Baby is head down and engaged.  Yay for progress!! Foods I'm loving - Candy, some chocolate, and all carbs Foods I'm hating - Chicken is still iffy.  I can't eat a lot at one sitting....stretches my stomach out way too much Movement - Still consistent but much less than before. New Baby has definitely run out of room. Symp...

One Picture of Yourself

37 weeks pregnant