My Morning Kakeover

Since Emmy started preschool, mornings around here are much busier. We all have to be up, dressed appropriately, fed, and out the door by 7:40. During that whole time my main focus is the girls and so my needs, especially my breakfast intake, fall sadly by the wayside. There is always coffee of course, but my food intake in the morning is usually comprised of shoving in whatever scraps the girls have left behind. Classy I know. So when the folks over at Tastykake offered me a breakfast make-over, I jumped at the chance. I anxiously waited for their package to arrive. I was not prepared for what I received though. I really was blown away by what I was sent. I'm a sucker for tiny little details, and Tastykake did not disappoint. The care they took in adding both a ribbon and a personalized note really made me feel like more than just a customer. Here are the items I received {in a durable, reusable mesh basket ...