Resolution Recap
Last year around this time, I wrote my list of "hopeful accomplishments". The term sounded a little nicer and far more manageable that resolutions. I was hoping it would help me follow them a little more closely. So what do you think? Was I able to fulfill my thirteen "hopeful accomplishments"? Let's take a look and find out! {one} Regularly set specific fitness goals. Yes! Manda's 30 mile in 30 days link up is really what helped me stay on track with this. Adding to my mileage each month really helped me stay on track, and push myself harder than I would have otherwise. I definitely want to continue this next year! {two} Run more . Yes! This is probably the accomplishment I am most proud of. On April 1 I decided enough was enough, and I was going to start running for real. Nine months later I have logged 266.73 miles of just running. I can't believe how fast I'm getting or how far I'm able to run!...