
Showing posts from November, 2009

Happy Birthday Little M!

At exactly 8:39 pm tonight, my Little M will turn ONE. She is no longer a baby anymore, but a toddler. It is a crazy mix of emotions I am feeling tonight. I love, love *love* the stage she is in now. She is mobile and laughs. She claps her hands when happy and gives the best little hugs. She eats real food and loves snuggling on the couch with Skip and I. But as I look back on how fast this year has flown by, I know that before I know it she will be 5, 10, 20 and moving on with her life. I wish I could keep her just how she is forever. {I do also occasionally miss her as a newborn, when everything was so fresh and new, and she was happiest just falling asleep in my arms all day} We had a great day today. We just hung out as a was such a gift that Skip was off today!! We got up and opened presents. Then we went to church and after went to the diner for some pancakes! We spent the afternoon watching football, eating cake, and then took Little M for a walk in her n...

Elmo's World Comes to Our House...Part 2

Opening presents with Mommy Yay presents!! Elmo cupcakes! Happy birthday to you! Blowing out the candles Of course my cupcake princess loved eating her very first chocolate cupcake! Bye bye...thanks for coming!

Elmo's World Comes to Our House...Part 1

Little M's first birthday party was a HUGE success. Her actually birthday isn't until tomorrow, but we had her family party today. It can best be described through pictures, so here you go! {I split it into two parts so it isn't too long} Happy Birthday! Looks like Christmas, but I was going for a red theme, for Elmo Picture of the table. Not sure why it's so dark All the food was made by yours truly! My cupcake princess! Love her little tiara {that she only kept on for 5 minutes!} Our little family...ready to party!

My Thanks

I have so so so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! Here is my list of both the big and little things I am thankful for. - My amazing daughter. The love I have for her is overpowering and all-consuming. - My husband. I fall more in love with him every day. - My family who is always there to support me. - My friends who have always been there, through good times and bad. - Our military, who make this day possible for us to celebrate this day in happiness and freedom. - A roof over our heads. - Food on the table. - My husband making it possible for me to be a stay-at-home mom. - My two puppies. They give the most unconditional love ever. - Diet explanation needed - Chocolate and pizza, my favorite food groups! - The New York Giants, because they {sometimes} give me something to look forward to every week - You, my blogging friends! I am amazed at the friendships I have formed and the support I receive from you! - Elmo, for the joy he brings to Little M's...

Wordless Walking Wednesday

Here it is!!!

Girls Night In

Two of my best girl friends and I try to get together every few months for a "girls night in" Last week was the best so far. These girls came over We ate some chocolate fondue that I whipped up While watching a mini marathon of this And continuously drooling over this guy Why? Because... 'Nuff said :)

And The Party Will Be....

Sandra guessed right...Little M is going to be having a with the main focus being this guy Little M is literally obsessed with Elmo...loves absolutely everything about him. So it was the only logical choice for her first birthday party. We are having her family birthday party on Saturday with all the aunts and grandparents and whatnot, and then on Sunday, her actual birthday, she will spend the day with just me and Skip. We wanted to keep it as low-key and relaxed as possible. I can't wait to show all of you pictures of all the decorations we have. It's going to be adorable!

Crib Recall

Hey mommies! Check out this link and make sure your crib is not one of the ones being recalled!

Drum Roll Please.......

LITTLE M TOOK HER FIRST STEPS YESTERDAY!!! Like real steps, not the cruising, holding on to Mommy and Daddy's hands walking she was doing before. Steps all by herself! I stood her up and she took her first two little steps. We did it again and this time she took four. Then five or six. And another five or six. It was AMAZING!! She's not exactly standing up and walking all by herself yet; she still needs us to help her stand up. But she is well on her way to walking like a big girl!! I was hoping to have a video to accompany this post, but Little M has decided she doesn't want her elementary walking publicized just yet. But don't you worry, I am determined to have a video by the end of the weekend!

Thankful for Thursday

Thursday is my favorite day of the week. Every Thursday night I get to watch a little of this and spend some time with this girl Nothing re-energizes me like a little McDreamy and some good old-fashioned girl talk:)

The Perfect Man

Tuesday was a long day with Little M. She must have been gassy or teething or both, because she did not stop screaming Skip was home with us, but since his family was over for a visit I took over all the M care so he could relax and spend some time with them. Needless to say, by the end of the night I was beyond exhausted. Skip told me he would get up with the baby in the morning and I could sleep in a bit. I expected a tiny little face to appear and crawl all over me to wake me up around 9, maybe 10 if he was feeling really generous. The two of them did wake me up for a minute just to say they were going out, but I fell right back to sleep. Then something happened. Something that hasn't happened since before Little M was born. I woke up naturally, no baby crying, no alarm. And do you know what time it was!?!?! 11:45!!!!!!! It was AMAZING! I haven't slept in that late in almost a year!!! Sleeping in was the greatest gift Skip could have given me, but tha...

Wordless Wednesday

My two loves

Almost Here....

In just two and a half weeks, a certain little girl will be turning I am getting so excited for her party. Here is a little preview of what the theme is going to be. Can you guess??

Baby B

I must confess...I got baby fever for just a *few* minutes last week. My sister-in-law gave birth to an adorable little boy last Saturday, we'll call him Little B. Little M has her very first cousin! We all went to the hospital to see how the new little family was doing. When I picked up Little B for the first time, I could not believe how tiny he was! And he was bigger even than Little M was when she was born! It's crazy how quickly they grow in the first year! Don't worry, we are definitely not trying for another kid anytime soon. I really want to enjoy my alone time with Little M for a little while longer. But how can you not fall in love with this little guy!

Big Day

Today was a big day for Little M. We took this infant carseat out of my SUV {umm, for the first time since the nice police man put it in a few weeks before M was born. Yes we are *those* parents who were waaay to scared to even attempt to take it out and put it back in again, in fear we would do it wrong.} And we {just we, armed with the handy instructions} installed her brand-new convertible car seat! {and tightened and checked it a million times} No more Infant M...she's now a big girl!! {but will still be rear facing until a whopping 35 lbs, because well, we're still *those* ie *paranoid* parents!}

Winning Streak

I never win anything, like ever. I have played the lottery more times than I can count and all I have ever won was $3.00, not exactly life changing. Our fantasy football team has been the worst in the league for the past four big win there! Skip says it's because we are so lucky in love and with our Little M that the little things don't matter {awwwww, isn't he a keeper!} But sometimes I do want to win a little thing! I recently entered a giveaway contest by Mrs. Staff Sergeant over at Married to the Military . She is one of the first blogs I started following and this giveaway was definitely not to be missed. Well wouldn't you know...I WON!!!! I am sooo excited about winning because in just about a week I will be receiving this guy from Build-A-Bear: Isn't he just the cutest thing ever?!?! I cannot wait to give him to Little M for Christmas!!! I must admit that this is actually the SECOND blog contest I have won in the past few weeks! The first wi...

Before I Was a Mom

Before I was a Mom, I had no idea.... - what exhaustion was - how stressful life can really be - that you really can run on *very* little sleep - how stir crazy you can get as a stay-at-home mom - how long it takes to get a baby ready for anything - that I would miss being able to do laundry and clean whenever I wanted to - that you now have to really work to get quality alone time with your husband But also, before I was a Mom, I had no idea..... - how much you can truly love someone more than yourself - that new baby smell is the best smell in the world - that watching my husband hold our daughter would make me fall in love with him all over again - that baby smiles and hugs make all the sleepless nights worth it - that some days there is nothing I would rather do than snuggle on the couch with my daughter for the whole day - that unconditional love really did exist - that your children really do grow up way too fast!

So Sorry

A huge apology to all my blogging friends. I feel like I have been very MIA recently, both from posting and commenting. I have been having some severe back pain recently and it is just throwing me off completely. I've had the same pain several times is caused by stress...but Id never had it for two weeks before! I finally started to feel some relief yesterday though and feel like I'm getting back to my old self. {Although of course I woke up with a headache this morning, ugh} But I appreciate all the comments on the few posts I have put up and will be responding back! I have been reading all your blogs, but apologize for the lack of commenting. I have lots to tell you and will be getting back to normal again soon!!

Today We Thank You

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Elmer Davis In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. José Narosky The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude. Jeff Miller As we all know, today is Veteran's Day. It is a day to remember and thank all the men and women who have selfless served our country in the armed services. I am so thankfully on this day for my husband. His courage, bravery, and willingness to put others first humbles me every day. Since we have survived a dangerous deployment together, I never take even one day that I have with him for granted. I am happy that he served and am so proud to be called his wife. I love you Skip and think of all 'my boys' today. February 2005 - Home from Iraq November 2005 - Final Marine Corps Ball May 2006 - Last time in uniform!!!